expenses incurred because of...

expenses incurred because of...
расходы, понесенные из-за...

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "expenses incurred because of..." в других словарях:

  • Public Policy Limitation on Deduction for Business Expenses — Brief Introduction: Deduction for Business Expenses Section 162(a) of the Internal Revenue Code allows for taxpayers to deduct ordinary and necessary expenses paid or incurred in carrying on a trade or business from their gross income. [26 U.S.C …   Wikipedia

  • MSPs' Salaries, Expenses and Allowances — Members of the Scottish Parliament (MSPs) are entitled to a salary, and where applicable, expenses and allowances.The Scotland Act 1998 provides for pay and allowances to MSPs, officeholders of the Scottish Parliament and Ministers. The… …   Wikipedia

  • Out-of-pocket expenses — are direct outlays of cash which may or may not be later reimbursed. In operating a vehicle, gasoline, parking fees and tolls are considered out of pocket expenses for the trip. Insurance, oil changes, and interest are not, because the outlay of… …   Wikipedia

  • Mutual fund fees and expenses — are charges that may be incurred by investors who hold mutual funds. Running a mutual fund involves costs, including shareholder transaction costs, investment advisory fees, and marketing and distribution expenses. Funds pass along these costs to …   Wikipedia

  • United Kingdom parliamentary expenses scandal — See also: Salaries of Members of the United Kingdom Parliament and List of expenses claims in the United Kingdom parliamentary expenses scandal The Palace of Westminster The United Kingdom parliamentary expenses scandal was a major political …   Wikipedia

  • Lodging Expenses — Costs for an overnight stay, usually in a hotel, that may be taken as a federal income tax deduction if the Internal Revenue Service s criteria are met. Lodging expenses are usually a business expense that is incurred when someone must travel… …   Investment dictionary

  • Economic Affairs — ▪ 2006 Introduction In 2005 rising U.S. deficits, tight monetary policies, and higher oil prices triggered by hurricane damage in the Gulf of Mexico were moderating influences on the world economy and on U.S. stock markets, but some other… …   Universalium

  • Insurance — This article is about risk management. For Insurance (blackjack), see Blackjack. For Insurance run (baseball), see Insurance run. In law and economics, insurance is a form of risk management primarily used to hedge against the risk of a… …   Wikipedia

  • Aggie Bonfire — was a long standing tradition at Texas A M University as part of the college rivalry with the University of Texas at Austin.] To find their own place in the Bonfire hierarchy, female students founded the all female Bonfire Reload Crew to provide… …   Wikipedia

  • Unit Deployment Program — To reduce the number of unaccompanied tours and improve unit continuity, the Commandant of the Marine Corps, (CMC) established the Unit Deployment Program (UDP) to provide for the deployment of units to the Western Pacific (WESTPAC) for periods… …   Wikipedia

  • insurance — /in shoor euhns, sherr /, n. 1. the act, system, or business of insuring property, life, one s person, etc., against loss or harm arising in specified contingencies, as fire, accident, death, disablement, or the like, in consideration of a… …   Universalium

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