expenses incurred
Смотреть что такое "expenses incurred" в других словарях:
expenses account — expense account or expenses account noun 1. An arrangement by which expenses incurred during the performance of an employee s duties are reimbursed by the employer 2. A statement of such incurred expenses • • • Main Entry: ↑expend … Useful english dictionary
expenses of receivership — Includes allowances to receivers counsel, master s fees, appraisers fees, auditors fees, and rent and other expenses incurred by receivers in conducting business … Black's law dictionary
expenses of receivership — Includes allowances to receivers counsel, master s fees, appraisers fees, auditors fees, and rent and other expenses incurred by receivers in conducting business … Black's law dictionary
expenses — index bill (invoice), damages, expenditure, out of pocket Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
expenses — charges incurred in the discharge of duty, late 14c. See EXPENSE (Cf. expense) … Etymology dictionary
losses and loss expenses incurred — A phrase common to insurers; representing the total claims and losses paid during the year for which the insurer is reporting, plus the outstanding reserves for unpaid losses and claims at the end of the year, less the reserves for outstanding… … Ballentine's law dictionary
Ordinary And Necessary Expenses - O & NE — Expenses incurred by individuals for their business or primary employment. Ordinary and necessary expenses are categorized as such for income tax purposes, and these expenses are generally considered tax deductible in the year they are incurred.… … Investment dictionary
expenses — costs incurred by a business in earning income, for example, rent, advertising, wages etc. Glossary of Business Terms Outflows or other reductions of assets or increases in liabilities (or a combination of both) from delivering or producing goods … Financial and business terms
expenses — /ɪk spensɪz/ plural noun money paid to cover the costs incurred by someone when doing something ● The salary offered is £10,000 plus expenses. ● He has a high salary and all his travel expenses are paid by the company. ♦ all expenses paid with… … Dictionary of banking and finance
expenses — /ɪk spensɪz/ plural noun money paid to cover the costs incurred by someone when doing something ● The salary offered is £10,000 plus expenses. ♦ all expenses paid with all costs paid by the company ● The company sent him to San Francisco all… … Marketing dictionary in english
expenses of family — Medical and funeral expenses are expenses of the family within meaning of statute making expenses of family chargeable upon property of both husband and wife. Hansen v. Hayes, 175 Or. 358, 154 P.2d 202, 205. Under such a statute the term includes … Black's law dictionary