
ɪksˈpend гл. тратить (for/on/in) , расходовать You may have to expend a further year in completing your book. ≈ Тебе, быть может, придется потратить еще год на написание этой книги. The city council has been charged with expending too much of the taxpayers' money on sports buildings. ≈ Городской совет обвинили в том, что он тратит слишком много денег налогоплательщиков на строительство спортивных сооружений. Syn : use (on, upon) (канцелярское) тратить, затрачивать, расходовать - to * money on smth. тратить деньги на что-л. - to * $1,000,000 upon a project затратить 1000000 долларов на какое-л. мероприятие тратить - to * time in doing smth. тратить время на что-л. - to * blood проливать кровь истратить, использовать (до конца) - to * itself израсходоваться;
кончиться, прийти к концу - having *ed their arrows, they drew their swords когда у них кончился запас стрел, они обнажили мечи expend расходовать ~ тратить (on) , расходовать ~ тратить

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "expend" в других словарях:

  • Expend — Ex*pend , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Expended}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Expending}.] [L. expendere, expensum, to weigh out, pay out, lay out, lay out; ex out + pendere to weigh. See {Poise}, and cf. {Spend}.] To lay out, apply, or employ in any way; to… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • expend — UK US /ɪkˈspend/ verb [T] FORMAL ► to use or spend something, especially time, effort, or money: expend energy/effort/time »Why do firms expend effort investing abroad, rather than staying home and producing for export? »expend… …   Financial and business terms

  • Expend — Ex*pend , v. i. 1. To be laid out, used, or consumed. [1913 Webster] 2. To pay out or disburse money. [1913 Webster] They go elsewhere to enjoy and to expend. Macaulay . [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • expend — I (consume) verb apply, avail oneself of, burn, deplete, devour, dissipate, employ, exert, exhaust, finish, lessen, reduce, spend, turn to account, use, use up, waste II (disburse) verb allocate, allot, apportion, assign, bear the cost of, bear… …   Law dictionary

  • expend — early 15c., from L. expendere pay out, weigh out money, from ex out (see EX (Cf. ex )) + pendere to pay, weigh (see PENDANT (Cf. pendant)). Related: Expended; expending …   Etymology dictionary

  • expend — *spend, disburse Analogous words: *pay, repay, compensate, reimburse, remunerate: *distribute, dispense …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • expend — [v] exhaust; spend ante up*, blow*, consume, disburse, dish out*, dispense, dissipate, distribute, employ, finish, foot the bill*, fork out*, give, go through*, lay out, outlay, pay, pay out, put out*, shell out*, splurge*, spring for*, throw… …   New thesaurus

  • expend — ► VERB ▪ spend or use up (a resource). ORIGIN Latin expendere, from pendere weigh, pay …   English terms dictionary

  • expend — [ek spend′, ikspend′] vt. [ME expenden < L expendere, to weigh out, pay out < ex , out + pendere, to weigh: see PENDANT] 1. to spend 2. to consume by using; use up …   English World dictionary

  • expend — v. (D; tr.) to expend for, on (to expend considerable funds on a new skating rink) * * * [ɪk spend] on (to expend considerable funds on a new skating rink) (D; tr.) to expend for …   Combinatory dictionary

  • expend — ex|pend [ıkˈspend] v [T] [Date: 1400 1500; : Latin; Origin: expendere to weigh out, pay , from pendere to weigh ] to use or spend a lot of energy etc in order to do something expend energy/effort/time/resources etc ▪ People of different ages… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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