- escape mechanism
- выпускное отверстие (психологическое) механизм ухода от действительности (путем погружения в мечты)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Escape Mechanism — is the title of a sound collage project instigated by Minneapolis based artist Jonathan Nelson. Using fragments of audio from a variety of previously recorded sound sources, the project is an experiment in recycled media. Escape Mechanism has… … Wikipedia
escape mechanism — n a mode of behavior or thinking adopted to evade unpleasant facts or responsibilities: DEFENSE MECHANISM (1) * * * in the heart, the mechanism of impulse initiation by lower centers, such as the atrioventricular node, in response to lack of… … Medical dictionary
escape mechanism — n. Informal a kind of defense mechanism by which a person avoids unpleasant thoughts, responsibilities, etc., as through daydreaming … English World dictionary
escape mechanism — noun a form of behavior that evades unpleasant realities • Hypernyms: ↑evasion, ↑escape, ↑dodging * * * noun, pl ⋯ nisms [count] : a way of behaving or thinking that is used to avoid unpleasant facts or problems She uses humor as an escape… … Useful english dictionary
escape mechanism — escape′ mech anism n. psl a means of avoiding an unpleasant life situation, as daydreaming • Etymology: 1930–35 … From formal English to slang
escape mechanism — noun Date: 1927 a mode of behavior or thinking adopted to evade unpleasant facts or responsibilities … New Collegiate Dictionary
escape mechanism — Psychol. a means of avoiding an unpleasant life situation, as daydreaming. [1930 35] * * * … Universalium
escape mechanism — /əsˈkeɪp mɛkənɪzəm/ (say uhs kayp mekuhnizuhm) noun a means, as daydreaming, etc., of avoiding unpleasant realities …
escape — Synonyms and related words: abandonment, abscond, alienation, autism, autistic thinking, avenue, avoid, avoidance, avoidance mechanism, avoiding reaction, baffle, bail out, beg, blame shifting, blow, blowhole, bolt, bow out, break, break away,… … Moby Thesaurus
mechanism — n. 1) to trigger a mechanism 2) a defense; escape mechanism * * * [ mekənɪz(ə)m] escape a defense to trigger a mechanism … Combinatory dictionary
mechanism — noun (C) 1 part of a machine that does a particular job: the brake mechanism 2 a system that is intended to achieve something or deal with a problem: mechanisms to stop the spread of nuclear weapons | The market system is an imperfect mechanism… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English