escape maneuver

escape maneuver
маневр уклонения

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "escape maneuver" в других словарях:

  • Escape — may refer to: * Escape (hold), a maneuver used to exit a wrestling or grappling hold * Escapism, mental diversion by means of entertainment or recreation * Escapology, the study and practice of escaping from physical restraints * Prison escape,… …   Wikipedia

  • Escape trunk — An escape trunk is a small compartment on a submarine which provides a means for crew to escape from a downed submarine; it operates on a principle similar to an airlock, in that it allows the transfer of persons or objects between two areas of… …   Wikipedia

  • PIT maneuver — The PIT maneuver is a method by which one car pursuing another can force the pursued vehicle to abruptly turn sideways to the direction of travel, causing the driver to lose control and stop. The backronym PIT has a number of different meanings,… …   Wikipedia

  • Orbital maneuver — In spaceflight, an orbital maneuver is the use of propulsion systems to change the orbit of a spacecraft. For spacecraft far from Earth for example those in orbits around the Sun an orbital maneuver is called a deep space maneuver (DSM).[not… …   Wikipedia

  • Flanking maneuver — In military tactics, a flanking maneuver, also called a attack, is an attack on the sides of an opposing force. If a flanking maneuver succeeds, the opposing force would be surrounded from two or more directions, which significantly reduces the… …   Wikipedia

  • Эффект Оберта — Эффект Оберта  в космонавтике  эффект, проявляющийся в том, что ракетный двигатель, движущийся с высокой скоростью, создает больше полезной энергии, чем такой же двигатель, движущийся медленно. Эффект Оберта вызывается тем, что при… …   Википедия

  • American Airlines Flight 965 — An American Airlines 757, similar to the one involved in the accident Accident summary Date Decemb …   Wikipedia

  • Opportunity rover — (MER B) Opportunity in April 2003 Operator NASA Mission type Rover …   Wikipedia

  • Ascension (Stargate) — In the science fiction television series Stargate SG 1 and Stargate Atlantis , Ascension is a process by which sufficiently evolved sentient beings may shed their physical bodies and live eternally as pure energy on a higher plane of existence… …   Wikipedia

  • fence — vb 1 *enclose, envelop, pen, coop, corral, cage, wall Analogous words: confine, circumscribe, *limit: *surround, gird, environ 2 *dodge, parry, sidestep, duck, shirk, malinger Analogous words: evade, avoid, shun, elude (see …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • international relations — a branch of political science dealing with the relations between nations. [1970 75] * * * Study of the relations of states with each other and with international organizations and certain subnational entities (e.g., bureaucracies and political… …   Universalium

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