
emˈpɪrɪk эмпирик, практик;
человек, опирающийся лишь на опыт, недооценивающий теорию узкий, сугубо практичный человек эмпирик, последователь эмпиризма (устаревшее) знахарь, лекарь-шарлатан преим. (философское) эмпирический, опытный, основанный на опыте - * knowledge знания на основе опыта /эмпирического познания/ - * method эмпирический метод (исследования) - * data обычные данные;
данные, полученные в результате опыта недооценивающий теорию;
узкопрактический - to be * in confronting reality быть реалистом в подходе к действительности (философское) придерживающийся эмпиризма (устаревшее) знахарский;
шарлатанский - * remedies народные средства empiric лекарь-шарлатан ~ эмпирик ~ эмпирический, основанный на опыте empirical: empirical =empiric

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "empiric" в других словарях:

  • empiric — EMPÍRIC, Ă, empirici, ce, adj. Bazat (numai) pe experienţă; care priveşte empirismul, care are la bază empirismul. ♢ Formulă empirică = formulă obţinută prin prelucrarea pur matematică a unor date experimentale, fără substrat teoretic. Medicină… …   Dicționar Român

  • Empiric — Em*pir ic (?; 277), n. [L. empiricus an empiric, Gr. ? experienced, equiv. to ?; ? in + ? a trial, experiment; akin to ? ford, way, and E. fare: cf. F. empirique. See {In}, and {Fare}.] 1. One who follows an empirical method; one who relies upon… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Empiric — Em*pir ic, Empirical Em*pir ic*al, a. 1. Pertaining to, or founded upon, experiment or experience; depending upon the observation of phenomena; versed in experiments. [1913 Webster] In philosophical language, the term empirical means simply what… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Empiric — can refer to: * Asclepiades of Bithynia * Empiricism * Empirical * Empirical research * Empirical formula …   Wikipedia

  • empiric — index probative Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • empiric — (adj.) c.1600, from L. empiricus a physician guided by experience, from Gk. empeirikos experienced, from empeiria experience, from empeiros skilled, from en in (see EN (Cf. en ) (2)) + peira trial, experiment, from PIE …   Etymology dictionary

  • empiric — [em pir′ik] n. [L empiricus < Gr empeirikos, experienced < empeiria, experience < en , in + peira, a trial, experiment: see FARE] 1. a person who relies solely on practical experience rather than on scientific principles 2. Archaic a… …   English World dictionary

  • empiric — 1. adjective empirical 2. noun a) A member of a sect of ancient physicians who based their theories solely on experience. An empiric oftentimes, and a silly chirurgeon, doth more strange cures than a rational physician. b) Someone who is guided… …   Wiktionary

  • empiric — empirical / empiric [adj] practical; based on experience experient, experiential, experimental, factual, observational, observed, pragmatic, provisional, concepts 548,582 Ant. hypothetical, impractical, speculative, theoretical, unobserved …   New thesaurus

  • empiric(al) —   a. relying on or derived from experiment or experience only; ignoring theory or science.    ♦ empiric, n. such thinker or scientist; quack.    ♦ empiricism,    ♦ empiricist, n …   Dictionary of difficult words

  • Empiric therapy — is a medical term referring to the initiation of treatment prior to determination of a firm diagnosis. It is most often used when antibiotics are given to a person before the specific microorganism causing an infection is known. Examples of this… …   Wikipedia

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