Смотреть что такое "electroceramic" в других словарях:
electroceramic — noun Any of various ceramic materials that have useful electric properties … Wiktionary
electroceramics — category of advanced ceramic materials that are employed in a wide variety of electric, optical, and magnetic applications. In contrast to traditional ceramic products such as brick and tile, which have been produced in various forms for… … Universalium
advanced ceramics — ▪ ceramics Introduction substances and processes used in the development and manufacture of ceramic materials that exhibit special properties. As is pointed out in the article ceramic composition and properties, ceramics are… … Universalium
Polypropylene carbonate — (PPC), also called poly(propylene carbonate), is a polyalkylene carbonate plastic material, a copolymer of carbon dioxide and propylene oxide. It is made by reacting the monomers in presence of eg. a zinc glutarate catalyst. Its CAS number is… … Wikipedia
Journal of Materials Chemistry — Infobox Journal discipline = Materials Science abbreviation = J. Mater. Chem website = http://www.rsc.org/Publishing/Journals/jm/ publisher = Royal Society of Chemistry country = United Kingdom history = 1991 to present ISSN = 0959 9428 eISSN =… … Wikipedia
гидротермальный синтез — Термин гидротермальный синтез Термин на английском hydrothermal synthesis Синонимы Аббревиатуры Связанные термины "мокрая" химия, морфология наноструктур, "мягкая" химия, нановискер, нанопорошок, наночастица, цеолит,… … Энциклопедический словарь нанотехнологий
capacitor dielectric and piezoelectric ceramics — ▪ ceramics Introduction advanced industrial materials that, by virtue of their poor electrical conductivity, are useful in the production of electrical storage or generating devices. Capacitors (capacitor) are devices that store… … Universalium
electronic substrate and package ceramics — Introduction advanced industrial materials that, owing to their insulating qualities, are useful in the production of electronic components. Modern electronics are based on the integrated circuit, an assembly of millions of… … Universalium
microvaristor — noun A very small electroceramic particle; they are used as active fillers in some applications … Wiktionary