Смотреть что такое "electrocautery" в других словарях:
electrocautery — /i lek troh kaw teuh ree/, n., pl. electrocauteries. Med. 1. a hand held, needlelike cautery heated by an electric current. 2. Also, electrocauterization. the process of cutting and cauterizing skin simultaneously, or coagulating blood from… … Universalium
electrocautery — 1. An instrument for directing a high frequency current through a local area of tissue. 2. A metal cauterizing instrument heated by an electric current. SYN: electric cautery. * * * elec·tro·cau·tery kȯt ə rē … Medical dictionary
electrocautery — e•lec•tro•cau•ter•y [[t]ɪˌlɛk troʊˈkɔ tə ri[/t]] n. pl. ter•ies 1) med a hand held, needlelike cautery heated by an electric current 2) med Also, e•lec tro•cau ter•i•za′tion. the process of cutting and cauterizing skin simultaneously, or… … From formal English to slang
electrocautery — noun Date: circa 1884 cauterization of tissue by means of an instrument heated by an electric current … New Collegiate Dictionary
electrocautery — noun a) cauterization by the use of an instrument heated by electricity; electrocauterization b) Such an instrument … Wiktionary
electrocautery — n. cauterization by electricity, burning by electricity (Medicine) … English contemporary dictionary
electrocautery — [ɪˌlɛktrəʊ kɔ:təri] noun cautery using an electrically heated instrument … English new terms dictionary
electrocautery — n. the destruction of diseased or unwanted tissue by means of a needle or snare that is electrically heated. Warts, polyps, and other growths can be burned away by this method … The new mediacal dictionary
electrocautery — noun application of a needle heated by an electric current to destroy tissue (as to remove warts) • Hypernyms: ↑thermocautery … Useful english dictionary
monopolar electrocautery — unipolar electrocautery an electrocautery in which current is applied through a handheld active electrode and travels back to the generator through a grounding pad and cable attached to the patient, so that the patient is part of the electrical… … Medical dictionary
bipolar electrocautery — an electrocautery in which both active and return electrodes are incorporated into a single handheld instrument, so that the current passes between the tips of the two electrodes and affects only a small amount of tissue … Medical dictionary