drink off

drink off
= drink down выпить до дна осушить залпом

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "drink off" в других словарях:

  • drink off — To quaff wholly and at a gulp • • • Main Entry: ↑drink …   Useful english dictionary

  • drink off — verb To drink the entirety of in a short period; originally and especially, in a single gulp. Take thou this vial, being then in bed, / And this distilled liquor drink thou off; [ hellip;] …   Wiktionary

  • drink off — gulp down, drink rapidly …   English contemporary dictionary

  • To drink off — Drink Drink, v. t. 1. To swallow (a liquid); to receive, as a fluid, into the stomach; to imbibe; as, to drink milk or water. [1913 Webster] There lies she with the blessed gods in bliss, There drinks the nectar with ambrosia mixed. Spenser.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Drink — Drink, v. t. 1. To swallow (a liquid); to receive, as a fluid, into the stomach; to imbibe; as, to drink milk or water. [1913 Webster] There lies she with the blessed gods in bliss, There drinks the nectar with ambrosia mixed. Spenser. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • drink — Synonyms and related words: BS, Bronx cocktail, Bull Shot, Cuba Libre, Dubonnet cocktail, Green Dragon, Guggenheim, Harvey Wallbanger, Irish coffee, John Barleycorn, Mai Tai, Manhattan, Mickey, Mickey Finn, Rob Roy, Sazerac, absorb, ade, adsorb,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • drink up — Synonyms and related words: absorb, adsorb, assimilate, bib, blot, blot up, booze, chemisorb, chemosorb, digest, drain the cup, dram, drink, drink bottoms up, drink deep, drink hard, drink in, drink off, drink to, engross, filter in, follow… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • drink — v. & n. v. (past drank; past part. drunk) 1 a tr. swallow (a liquid). b tr. swallow the liquid contents of (a vessel). c intr. swallow liquid, take draughts (drank from the stream). 2 intr. take alcohol, esp. to excess (I have heard that he… …   Useful english dictionary

  • drink in — Synonyms and related words: absorb, adsorb, advert to, assimilate, attend to, be aware of, be engrossed in, bib, blot, blot up, booze, chemisorb, chemosorb, digest, drain the cup, drink, drink off, drink to, drink up, engross, filter in, give… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • drink to — Synonyms and related words: bib, booze, drain the cup, drink, drink in, drink off, drink up, guzzle, imbibe, pledge, pull, quaff, sip, suck, suck in, suckle, sup, swig, swill, tipple, toast, toss down, toss off, wash down …   Moby Thesaurus

  • drink — 1. напиток still drink негазированный напиток heating drink горячительный напиток carbonated drink газированный напиток sour milk drink кисло молочный напиток temperance drink безалкогольный напиток …   English-Russian travelling dictionary

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