drink like a fish
Смотреть что такое "drink like a fish" в других словарях:
drink like a fish — To drink (usu alcohol) to excess • • • Main Entry: ↑fish * * * drink like a fish phrase to drink a lot of alcohol regularly Thesaurus: to drink alcohol, or to be drunksynonym Main entry: fish * * … Useful english dictionary
drink like a fish — {v. phr.} To drink (alcoholic beverages) in great quantities; to be addicted to alcohol. * /John is a nice guy but, unfortunately, he drinks like a fish./ … Dictionary of American idioms
drink like a fish — {v. phr.} To drink (alcoholic beverages) in great quantities; to be addicted to alcohol. * /John is a nice guy but, unfortunately, he drinks like a fish./ … Dictionary of American idioms
drink like a fish — If someone drinks like a fish, they drink far too much alcohol … The small dictionary of idiomes
drink like a fish — drink a lot of liquor every day If Hal is coming to visit, buy lots of beer. He drinks like a fish … English idioms
drink like a fish — If someone drinks like a fish, they drink far too much alcohol. (Dorking School Dictionary) *** A person who drinks like a fish is one who drinks a lot. I m nervous if Ben drives when we go out because he drinks like a fish! … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
drink\ like\ a\ fish — v. phr. To drink (alcoholic beverages) in great quantities; to be addicted to alcohol. John is a nice guy but, unfortunately, he drinks like a fish … Словарь американских идиом
drink like a fish — informal to regularly drink a lot of alcohol. Harriet had two bottles of wine with her meal that girl drinks like a fish! … New idioms dictionary
Drink like a fish — If someone drinks like a fish, they drink far too much alcohol … Dictionary of English idioms
drink like a fish — drink large amounts of alcohol … English contemporary dictionary
drink like a fish — Drink (alcohol) excessively, drip Stupid, feeble or uninteresting person … A concise dictionary of English slang