Смотреть что такое "dour" в других словарях:
Dour — Dour … Deutsch Wikipedia
dour — dour; dour·lach; dour·ly; dour·ness; dred·dour; pan·dour; pom·pa·dour; ten·dour; trou·ba·dour·ish; war·dour; trou·ba·dour; ar·dour; … English syllables
dour´ly — dour «dur, dowr», adjective. 1. gloomy or sullen: »The boy was sulking in dour silence. 2. stern; severe: »a dour look. His dour remarks frightened the child. The Prime Minister is immensely popular among the stolid and dour northerners (New York … Useful english dictionary
Dour — Dour, a. [Cf. F. dur, L. durus.] Hard; inflexible; obstinate; sour in aspect; hardy; bold. [Scot.] [1913 Webster] A dour wife, a sour old carlin. C. Reade. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
dour — [duə, ˈdauə US daur, dur] adj [Date: 1300 1400; : Gaelic; Origin: dur, perhaps from Latin durus hard ] 1.) serious, never smiling, and unfriendly 2.) a dour place is one that is plain and dull, and where people do not have any fun >dourly adv … Dictionary of contemporary English
dour — [ daur, dur ] adjective 1. ) very serious, and not smiling or friendly 2. ) BRITISH not pleasant, interesting, or exciting: GLOOMY: a dour industrial city … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
dour — [door, dour] adj. [ME < L durus: see DURABLE] 1. Scot. hard; stern; severe 2. Scot. obstinate 3. sullen; gloomy; forbidding dourly adv. dourness n … English World dictionary
Dour — Dour, Dorf im Bezirk Mons, der belgischen Provinz Hennegau, Eisen u. Steinkohlengruben, 600 Ew. D. enthält eine der wenigen noch aus dem 16. Jahrh. herrührenden belgischen Protestantischen Gemeinden … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Dour — (spr. dūr), Gemeinde in der belg. Provinz Hennegau, Arrond. Mons (Borinage), Knotenpunkt an der Staatsbahnlinie Mons Quiévrain, mit Kohlengruben, Steinbrüchen, Fabrikation von Zwirn und Tauwerk und (1900) 11,425 Einw … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Dour — (spr. duhr), Flecken in der belg. Prov. Hennegau, im Borinage, (1904) 11.979 E.; Kohlengruben … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
dour — index astringent, bleak (severely simple), rigid, severe Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary