direct restrictions

direct restrictions
прямые ограничения

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "direct restrictions" в других словарях:

  • Direct lobbying in the United States — are direct methods used by lobbyists to influence United States legislative bodies. Interest groups from many sectors spend billions of dollars on lobbying. There are three lobbying laws in the U.S. They require that a lobbying entity must be… …   Wikipedia

  • Direct-to-video — (also known as direct to DVD, direct to iTunes, direct to digital, made for video, straight to video, and straight to DVD) is a term used to describe a film that has been released to the public on home video formats (historically VHS) without… …   Wikipedia

  • Direct Connect (file sharing) — Direct connect is a peer to peer file sharing protocol. Direct connect clients connect to a central hub and can download files directly from one another. Advanced Direct Connect can be considered a successor protocol. Hubs feature a list of… …   Wikipedia

  • Direct negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians (2010-2011) — Benjamin Netanyahu, Mahmoud Abbas, George J. Mitchell and Hillary Clinton at the start of direct talks on September 2, 2010. Direct negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian National Authority have been taking place since September 2010,… …   Wikipedia

  • Direct stiffness method — As one of the methods of structural analysis, the direct stiffness method (DSM), also known as the displacement method or matrix stiffness method, is particularly suited for computer automated analysis of complex structures including the… …   Wikipedia

  • Direct Purchase Program — A direct purchase program is a method by which individuals can buy stock in a company directly from that company. The advantage of a direct purchase program is that there is no need to pay any broker fees or commissions. The majority of big… …   Investment dictionary

  • Direct Public Offering - DPO — When a company raises capital by marketing its shares directly to its own customers, employees, suppliers, distributors and friends in the community. DPOs are an alternative to underwritten public offerings by securities broker dealer firms where …   Investment dictionary

  • Direct Stock Purchase Plan - DSPP — An investment service that allows individuals to purchase a stock directly from a company or through a transfer agent. Not all companies offer DSPPs and the plans often have restrictions on when an individual can purchase shares. The greatest… …   Investment dictionary

  • Investissement direct à l'étranger — Pour les articles homonymes, voir IDE et FDI. Les investissements directs à l étranger, ou investissements directs étrangers[1] (IDE en abrégé, traduction de l acronyme anglais FDI pour Foreign Direct Investment), également appelés… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Advanced Direct Connect — (ADC) is a peer to peer file sharing protocol, based on the topology of the Direct Connect (DC) protocol. ADC clients connect to a central hub and can download files directly from one user to another.Hubs feature a list of clients or users… …   Wikipedia

  • Investissement Direct À L'étranger — Pour les articles homonymes, voir IDE et FDI. Les investissements directs à l étranger (ou IDE) sont les sommes d argent investies (ou reçues) par un pays vers (ou en provenance de) l étranger (en anglais FDI). Sommaire 1 Définition de l IDE …   Wikipédia en Français

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