direct restriction
Смотреть что такое "direct restriction" в других словарях:
Restriction landmark genomic scanning — (or RLGS) is a genome analysis method that allows for rapid simultaneous visualization of thousands of landmarks, or restriction sites. Using a combination of restriction enzymes some of which are specific to DNA modifications, the technique can… … Wikipedia
Direct Connect (file sharing) — Direct connect is a peer to peer file sharing protocol. Direct connect clients connect to a central hub and can download files directly from one another. Advanced Direct Connect can be considered a successor protocol. Hubs feature a list of… … Wikipedia
Direct bonding — describes a wafer bonding process without any additional intermediate layers. The bonding process is based on chemical bonds between two surfaces of any material possible meeting numerous requirements.[1] These requirements are specified for the… … Wikipedia
Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive — European Union directive: Directive 2002/95/EC Directive on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment Made by Council Parliament … Wikipedia
Direct integral — In mathematics and functional analysis a direct integral is a generalization of the concept of direct sum. The theory is most developed for direct integrals of Hilbert spaces and direct integrals of von Neumann algebras. The concept was… … Wikipedia
Restriction fragment length polymorphism — A Restriction fragment length polymorphism (or RFLP, often pronounced as rif lip ) is a variation in the DNA sequence of a genome that can be detected by breaking the DNA into pieces with restriction enzymes and analyzing the size of the… … Wikipedia
Direct limit — In mathematics, a direct limit (also called inductive limit) is a colimit of a directed family of objects . We will first give the definition for algebraic structures like groups and modules, and then the general definition which can be used in… … Wikipedia
Direct effect — For the Direct effect model of media influence, see hypodermic needle model. Direct effect should not be confused with Vertical effect and debates over the Horizontal effect of the British Human Rights Act Direct effect is the principle of… … Wikipedia
Direct applicability — A concept of European Union constitutional law that relates specifically to regulations, direct applicability (or the characteristic of regulations to be directly effective) is set out in Article 288 (ex Article 249) of the Treaty on the… … Wikipedia
Enzyme De Restriction — L enzyme de restriction EcoRV (en vert) avec son substrat : l ADN [1] Une enzyme de restriction est une protéine en biologie moléculaire qui peut couper un fragment d … Wikipédia en Français
Enzyme de restriction — L enzyme de restriction EcoRV (en vert) avec son substrat : l ADN [1] Une enzyme de restriction est une protéine qui peut couper un fragment d ADN au niveau d une séquence de nucléotides caractéristique app … Wikipédia en Français