Смотреть что такое "dimly" в других словарях:
Dimly — Dim ly, adv. In a dim or obscure manner; not brightly or clearly; with imperfect sight … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
dimly — dim|ly [ dımli ] adverb 1. ) in a way that does not provide much light: dimly lit back streets 2. ) if you can dimly see or hear something, you can only just see or hear it because it is dark or far away: He could dimly see the house ahead of him … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
dimly — UK [ˈdɪmlɪ] / US adverb 1) in a way that does not provide much light dimly lit back streets 2) if you can dimly see or hear something, you can only just see or hear it because it is dark or far away He could dimly see the house ahead of him. 3)… … English dictionary
dimly — adv. Dimly is used with these adjectives: ↑aware, ↑visible Dimly is used with these verbs: ↑discern, ↑illuminate, ↑light, ↑perceive, ↑realize, ↑recall, ↑reflect, ↑register, ↑ … Collocations dictionary
dimly — adverb 1. in a dim indistinct manner (Freq. 10) we perceived the change only dimly • Syn: ↑indistinctly • Derived from adjective: ↑indistinct (for: ↑indistinctly), ↑ … Useful english dictionary
dimly — dim ► ADJECTIVE (dimmer, dimmest) 1) (of a light or illuminated object) not shining brightly or clearly. 2) made difficult to see by darkness, shade, or distance. 3) (of the eyes) not able to see clearly. 4) not clearly remembered. 5) informal… … English terms dictionary
dimly lit — adj. Dimly lit is used with these nouns: ↑hallway, ↑room, ↑street … Collocations dictionary
dimly — adverb see dim I … New Collegiate Dictionary
dimly — See dim. * * * … Universalium
dimly — adverb in a dim manner … Wiktionary
dimly — adv. vaguely, faintly … English contemporary dictionary