differentiable mapping

differentiable mapping
дифференцируемое отображение

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "differentiable mapping" в других словарях:

  • Differentiable manifold — A nondifferentiable atlas of charts for the globe. The results of calculus may not be compatible between charts if the atlas is not differentiable. In the middle chart the Tropic of Cancer is a smooth curve, whereas in the first it has a sharp… …   Wikipedia

  • Riemann mapping theorem — In complex analysis, the Riemann mapping theorem states that if U is a simply connected open subset of the complex number plane Bbb C which is not all of Bbb C, then there exists a biholomorphic (bijective and holomorphic) mapping f, from U, onto …   Wikipedia

  • Quasiconformal mapping — In mathematics, the concept of quasiconformal mapping, introduced as a technical tool in complex analysis, has blossomed into an independent subject with various applications. Informally, a conformal homeomorphism is a homeomorphism between plane …   Wikipedia

  • Degree of a continuous mapping — This article is about the term degree as used in algebraic topology. For other uses, see degree (mathematics). A degree two map of a sphere onto itself. In topology, the degree is a numerical invariant that describes a continuous mapping between… …   Wikipedia

  • Open mapping theorem (complex analysis) — In complex analysis, the open mapping theorem states that if U is a connected open subset of the complex plane C and f : U → C is a non constant holomorphic function, then f is an open map (i.e. it sends open subsets of U to open subsets of… …   Wikipedia

  • Riemannian manifold — In Riemannian geometry, a Riemannian manifold ( M , g ) (with Riemannian metric g ) is a real differentiable manifold M in which each tangent space is equipped with an inner product g in a manner which varies smoothly from point to point. The… …   Wikipedia

  • Frobenius theorem (differential topology) — In mathematics, Frobenius theorem gives necessary and sufficient conditions for finding a maximal set of independent solutions of an overdetermined system of first order homogeneous linear partial differential equations. In modern geometric terms …   Wikipedia

  • Manifold — For other uses, see Manifold (disambiguation). The sphere (surface of a ball) is a two dimensional manifold since it can be represented by a collection of two dimensional maps. In mathematics (specifically in differential geometry and topology),… …   Wikipedia

  • Diffeomorphism — In mathematics, a diffeomorphism is an isomorphism in the category of smooth manifolds. It is an invertible function that maps one differentiable manifold to another, such that both the function and its inverse are smooth. The image of a… …   Wikipedia

  • Distribution (mathematics) — This article is about generalized functions in mathematical analysis. For the probability meaning, see Probability distribution. For other uses, see Distribution (disambiguation). In mathematical analysis, distributions (or generalized functions) …   Wikipedia

  • analysis — /euh nal euh sis/, n., pl. analyses / seez /. 1. the separating of any material or abstract entity into its constituent elements (opposed to synthesis). 2. this process as a method of studying the nature of something or of determining its… …   Universalium

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