Demisable — De*mis a*ble, a. [From {Demise}.] (Law) Capable of being leased; as, a demisable estate. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
demisable — See demise. * * * … Universalium
Demisable — Capable of being demised … Ballentine's law dictionary
demisable — demīˈsable adjective • • • Main Entry: ↑demise … Useful english dictionary
Demisability — De*mis a*bil i*ty, n. (Law) The state of being demisable. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
demise — demisability, n. demisable, adj. /di muyz /, n., v., demised, demising. n. 1. death or decease. 2. termination of existence or operation: the demise of the empire. 3. Law. a. a death or decease occasioning the transfer of an estate. b. a… … Universalium
demise — /dəˈmaɪz / (say duh muyz) noun 1. death or decease. 2. Law a. a death or decease occasioning the transfer of an estate. b. a conveyance or transfer of an estate. 3. Government transfer of sovereignty, as by the death or deposition of the… …
lease for years — A contract between lessor and lessee by which the lessor contracts to grant the possession and enjoyment of land, or hereditaments of a demisable nature, for a period of years certain, and the lessee usually agrees to render to the lessor a rent… … Ballentine's law dictionary
tenancy for years — An interest arising from a lease, contract, or agreement for the possession of lands or tenements for a definite period of time. A tenancy under a lease whereby the landlord contracts to grant the possession and enjoyment of land, or… … Ballentine's law dictionary