dart tack
Смотреть что такое "dart tack" в других словарях:
Dart (sewing) — Darts are folds sewn into fabric to help provide a three dimensional shape to a garment. They are frequently used in women s clothing to provide a fit that closely follows the shape of the wearer. Two kinds of darts are common in blouses for… … Wikipedia
sail — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) v. cruise, voyage; set sail; navigate, traverse. See navigation. n. canvas; moonsail, moon raker; jib, foresail, lateen, lug, mainsail, mizzen, spanker, topsail. See ship. II (Roget s IV) n. 1. [Means of … English dictionary for students
Liste des cours d'eau d'Angleterre — Cet article présente une liste des cours d eau d Angleterre, classés par position géographique dans le sens inverse des aiguilles d une montre. Ils passent par l Angleterre et se jettent dans les mers qui bordent le pays. Pour l Esk, la Tweed, la … Wikipédia en Français
race — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. onrush, advance; competition; sprint, dash; stream; channel, millrace, tide, river; career; family, clan, tribe; people, ethnic group. v. rush, career; hasten; compete; speed. See velocity, ancestry,… … English dictionary for students
Mirror (dinghy) — Current Specifications A Mirror on Combs Reservoir in Derbyshire … Wikipedia
List of United States Marine Corps acronyms and expressions — This is a list of acronyms, expressions, euphemisms, jargon, military slang, and sayings in common or formerly common use in the United States Marine Corps. Many of the words or phrases have varying levels of acceptance among different units or… … Wikipedia
Pattern (sewing) — In sewing and fashion design, a pattern is an original garment from which other garments of a similar style are copied, or the paper or cardboard templates from which the parts of a garment are traced onto fabric before cutting out and assembling … Wikipedia
er — er·i·an·thus; er·ic; er·i·ca; er·i·ca·ce·ae; er·i·cad; er·i·ca·les; er·i·ce·tal; er·i·ce·tic·o·lous; er·i·coid; er·i·co·phyte; erig·er·on; er·i·glos·sa; er·ik·ite; er·i·na·ceous; er·i·na·ceus; er·in·ite; er·i·nose; er·i·o·bot·rya;… … English syllables
The Night Before Larry Was Stretched — is an Irish execution ballad written in the Newgate cant.AuthorThe ballad is estimated to have been written around 1816. Will (Hurlfoot) Maher, a shoemaker from Waterford, wrote the song, though Dr. Robert Burrowes, the Dean of St. Finbar’s Cork … Wikipedia
Collecting — This article is about the hobby. For other uses of the general concept, see Collection (disambiguation). Collecting Collectable • Antique • Antiquities Terms Ephemera • Memorabilia Premium • Prize Souvenir • Special… … Wikipedia
Dagger (typography) — † redirects here. For the album by Justice, see † (album). Double dagger redirects here. For the punk rock band, see Double Dagger. †‡ Dagger … Wikipedia