dart out
Смотреть что такое "dart out" в других словарях:
9-Dart-Out — Mit Nine dart finish (auch Nine Darter oder 9 Dart Out) wird ein optimaler Durchgang bei einem 501er Dartspiel bezeichnet. Dieses Ergebnis ist mit einem Hole in one im Golfsport, einem Perfect Game im Bowling oder dem Maximum Break im Snooker… … Deutsch Wikipedia
DART (spacecraft) — DART, or Demonstration for Autonomous Rendezvous Technology, is a NASA sponsored project. The goal was to develop and demonstrate an automated navigation and rendezvous capability in a NASA spacecraft. Currently, only the Russian Space Agency and … Wikipedia
DART First State — (Delaware Transit Corporation) DART 1st State bus #111 in downtown Wilmington, Delaware at Rodney Square … Wikipedia
DART Internet — DART Internet, was an Internet service provider founded in 2003 by James Austin and based in Fortitude Valley, a suburb of Brisbane, Australia. It offered cut price Internet access with unlimited data usage, and discounted setup fees which at the … Wikipedia
dart — [därt] n. [ME < OFr < Frank * darod (akin to OE daroth), spear] 1. a small, pointed missile, usually with the rear end feathered, used as for throwing at a target in games or for shooting from a blowgun 2. anything resembling this 3. a… … English World dictionary
Dart Flipcards Inc. — Dart Flipcards Inc. market a line of novelty Mini Lunch Boxes, with licensed images on them. Based out of St. Laurent, Quebec, Dart s lunch boxes are filled with chewing gum, made in Canada, inside Chinese made tins, and are packaged in… … Wikipedia
Dart Flipcards — Inc. market a line of novelty Mini Lunch Boxes, with licensed images on them. Based out of St. Laurent, Quebec, Dart s lunch boxes are filled with chewing gum, made in Canada, inside Chinese made tins, and are packaged in Canada. Contents 1… … Wikipedia
Out in Fifty — Directed by Bojesse Christopher Scott Leet Written by Bojesse Christopher Scott Leet … Wikipedia
Dart (Spiel) — Steeldart im Bullseye Elektronische Dartsscheibe Darts (süddt. Spicken/Spicker/Spickern) ist ein Geschicklichkeitsspiel bzw. ein … Deutsch Wikipedia
Dart (Sport) — Steeldart im Bullseye Elektronische Dartsscheibe Darts (süddt. Spicken/Spicker/Spickern) ist ein Geschicklichkeitsspiel bzw. ein … Deutsch Wikipedia
DART Light Rail — Dallas Area Rapid Transit Light Rail DART train stopped at the West End Station, heading to the American Airlines Center … Wikipedia