cut off

cut off

1) обрезать, отрезать;
прерывать Оperator, I have been cut off ≈ послушайте, станция, нас разъединили Syn : clip, chop off, exscind
2) приводить к ранней смерти The soldier was cut off in his youth. ≈ Он погиб молодым.
3) отрезать (отступление) The army was cut off from its supplies. ≈ Армии перерезали коммуникации. Last night's severe snowstorm cut off three villages. ≈ Снежная буря, разразившаяся прошлой ночью, отрезала от внешнего мира три деревни.
4) выключать (электричество, воду, газ и т. п.) The electricity supply will be cut off if we don't pay our bill. ≈ Нам отключат электричество, если мы не заплатим по счету. обрезать, отрезать, отрубать, отсекать - to *smb.'s head отрезать кому-л. голову;
- to * smb.'s limb ампутировать кому-л. руку или ногу отрезать;
изолировать - to * an enemy's retreat отрезать противнику путь к отступлению - towns cut off by floods города, отрезанные от остального мира наводнением срезать;
- to * (спортивное) срезать поворот;
- to * а corner срезать угол, пойти напрямик перерезать, разъединять, прерывать - the telephone operator cut us off before we had finished our conversation телефонист разъединил нас прежде, чем мы успели закончить разговор выключать - to * the electricity supply прекратить подачу электроэнергии отключить прекращатъ, кончать;
прерывать - to * а debate прекратить дебаты - to * negotiations прервать переговоры оборвать, привести к концу - the war cut off many man in their prime война унесла много молодых жизней лишать наследства

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "cut off" в других словарях:

  • cut off — {v.} 1. To separate or block. * /The flood cut the townspeople off from the rest of the world./ * /The woods cut off the view./ * /His rudeness cuts him off from friends he might have./ 2. To interrupt or stop. * /The television show was cut off… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • cut off — {v.} 1. To separate or block. * /The flood cut the townspeople off from the rest of the world./ * /The woods cut off the view./ * /His rudeness cuts him off from friends he might have./ 2. To interrupt or stop. * /The television show was cut off… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • cut-off — cut|off [ˈkʌtɔf US o:f] n 1.) [C usually singular] a limit or level at which you stop doing something →↑deadline cut off date/point/score etc (=the date etc when you stop doing something) ▪ The cut off date for registration is July 2. 2.) [C… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • cut-off — cut offs also cutoff 1) N COUNT: usu sing, oft N n A cut off or a cut off point is the level or limit at which you decide that something should stop happening. The cut off point depends on age and length of employment... The cut off date for… …   English dictionary

  • cut|off — «KUHT F, OF», noun, adjective. –n. 1. a short way across or through; short cut: »We ll save time if we take the cutoff across the park. 2. a) a new and shorter passage cut by a river through a bend. b) the water in the old channel, thus cut off.… …   Useful english dictionary

  • cut-off — cutˈ off noun 1. That which cuts off or shortens, eg a straighter road, a shorter channel cut across a bend of a river 2. A bend thus cut off 3. A device for shutting off steam, water, light, electricity, supply of cartridges in a magazine rifle …   Useful english dictionary

  • Cut-off — (k[u^]t [o^]f ; 115), n. 1. That which cuts off or shortens, as a nearer passage or road. [1913 Webster] 2. (Mach.) (a) The valve gearing or mechanism by which steam is cut off from entering the cylinder of a steam engine after a definite point… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Cut off — steht für: einen Ort in Louisiana, siehe Cut Off (Louisiana) einen Begriff der Analytischen Diagnostik, siehe Cutoff Annahmeschluss, z. B. in der Logistik, im Bankwesen eine späte Position beim Pokern, siehe Position (Poker) ein Phänomen in… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Cut Off — Cut Off, LA U.S. Census Designated Place in Louisiana Population (2000): 5635 Housing Units (2000): 2136 Land area (2000): 14.763316 sq. miles (38.236811 sq. km) Water area (2000): 0.106888 sq. miles (0.276838 sq. km) Total area (2000): 14.870204 …   StarDict's U.S. Gazetteer Places

  • Cut Off, LA — U.S. Census Designated Place in Louisiana Population (2000): 5635 Housing Units (2000): 2136 Land area (2000): 14.763316 sq. miles (38.236811 sq. km) Water area (2000): 0.106888 sq. miles (0.276838 sq. km) Total area (2000): 14.870204 sq. miles… …   StarDict's U.S. Gazetteer Places

  • cut off — [v1] prevent; interrupt block, break in, bring to end, catch, close off, disconnect, discontinue, halt, insulate, intercept, intersect, intervene, intrude, isolate, obstruct, renounce, segregate, separate, sequester, suspend; concept 234 Ant.… …   New thesaurus

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