cut down

cut down

1) сокращать (расходы, статью и т. п.) I could cut your father's trousers down for the boy. ≈ Я укорочу отцовские брюки, чтобы они тебе подошли. Your article will have to be cut down to fit into the book. ≈ Чтобы вашу статью можно было включить в книгу, ее нужно подсократить.
2) рубить (деревья) Half the forest was cut down to make room for the new road. ≈ Часть леса вырубили, чтобы проложить новую дорогу.
3) обыкн. страд. сражать (о болезни, смерти) The soldier was cut down in his youth. ≈ Этот солдат погиб молодым.
4) разбивать (аргумент) Your arguments arе too easy to cut down. ≈ Ваши аргументы слишком слабые.
5) сторговаться He's asking too much for the chairs, can't you cut him down? ≈ Он слишком много просит за стулья, не можешь заставить его снизить цену? выторговать;
убедить снизить цену - we managed tо cut him down bу $30 нам удалось выторговать 30 долларов сокращать потребление - I'm trying to * оn cigarettes я стараюсь меньше курить рубить (деревья) сразить - they were ruthlessly cut down они были безжалостно истреблены - to * in the prime of manhood погубить в расцвете лет ушивать - to * trousers укоротитъ брюки > to * to size поставить (кого-л.) на место > she cut him down to size она сбила с него спесь

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "cut down" в других словарях:

  • cut-down — cutˈ down adjective (used attrib) reduced • • • Main Entry: ↑cut * * * ˌcut ˈdown 8 [cut down] adjective only before noun reduced in length, size or range …   Useful english dictionary

  • cut|down — «KUHT DOWN», adjective, noun. –adj. 1. reduced in size; shortened: »a cutdown automobile. 2. abridged; condensed: »a cutdown version of a novel. –n. 1. that which is cut down. 2 …   Useful english dictionary

  • cut down on — cut back, reduce something, use less of something (e.g.: I have been eating too many sweets, I decided to cut down on them ) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • cut down — index abridge (shorten), curtail, decrease, deduct (reduce), digest (summarize), diminish …   Law dictionary

  • cut down — verb 1. cut down on; make a reduction in (Freq. 8) reduce your daily fat intake The employer wants to cut back health benefits • Syn: ↑reduce, ↑cut back, ↑trim, ↑trim down, ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • cut down — phrasal verb Word forms cut down : present tense I/you/we/they cut down he/she/it cuts down present participle cutting down past tense cut down past participle cut down 1) cut down something [intransitive/transitive] to reduce an amount of… …   English dictionary

  • cut down — 1) PHRASAL VERB If you cut down on something or cut down something, you use or do less of it. [V P on n] He cut down on coffee and cigarettes, and ate a balanced diet... [V P n (not pron)] Car owners were asked to cut down travel... [V P] If you… …   English dictionary

  • cut down — v. 1)(D; intr.) to cut down on (to cut down on smoking) 2) (misc.) to cut smb. down to size ( to deflate smb. s ego ) * * * [ kʌt daʊn] (misc.) to cut down smb. down to size ( to deflate smb. s ego ) (D;intr.) to cut downon (to cut downon… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • cut down — UK US cut down Phrasal Verb with cut({{}}/kʌt/ verb [T] (cutting, cut, cut) ► [I or T] to reduce the amount or number of something: cut down on sth »The supermarket chain has promised to cut down on packaging. »This new system should cut down the …   Financial and business terms

  • cut down — 1) 24 hectares of trees were cut down Syn: fell, chop down, hack down, saw down, hew 2) he was cut down in his prime Syn: kill, slaughter, shoot down, mow down, gun down; informal take out, blow away; literary sl …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • cut down — verb a) To bring down by cutting. They want to cut down several trees to make room for the parking lot. b) To insult, to belittle. He wants to cut down on extra steps …   Wiktionary

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