
ˈkredɪtəbl прил.
1) заслуживающий доверия
2) похвальный, делающий честь кому-л. похвальный, делающий честь - * attempt похвальная попытка - an action * to him who performed it поступок, делающий честь тому, кто его совершил надежный - a * bank банк, на который можно положиться - a * student студент, в котором можно быть уверенным приписываемый - an invention * to Edison изобретение, которое можно отнести на счет Эдисона creditable делающий честь ~ надежный ~ похвальный, делающий честь (кому-л.) ~ похвальный ~ приписываемый

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "creditable" в других словарях:

  • Creditable — Cred it*a*ble ( ? b l), a. 1. Worthy of belief. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] Divers creditable witnesses deposed. Ludlow. [1913 Webster] 2. Deserving or possessing reputation or esteem; reputable; estimable. [1913 Webster] This gentleman was born of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • creditable — UK US /ˈkredɪtəbl/ adjective ► FINANCE, HR used to describe a period of time that someone has worked, which is used to calculate their pension (= payments when they stop work): »She has 30 years of creditable service …   Financial and business terms

  • creditable — index believable, convincing, honest, laudable, meritorious, moral, reputable, sterling, true ( …   Law dictionary

  • creditable — 1520s, from CREDIT (Cf. credit) + ABLE (Cf. able). Related: Creditability …   Etymology dictionary

  • creditable — [adj] praiseworthy admirable, batting a thousand*, believeable, commendable, decent, deserving, estimable, excellent, exemplary, honest, honorable, laudable, meritorious, nasty*, not too shabby*, organic, palmary, reputable, reputed, respectable …   New thesaurus

  • creditable — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ deserving public acknowledgement and praise, although not necessarily outstanding or successful. DERIVATIVES creditability noun creditably adverb …   English terms dictionary

  • creditable — [kred′i tə bəl] adj. 1. deserving some credit or praise 2. ascribable (to) 3. Obs. credible 4. Obs. having good financial credit creditability n. creditably adv …   English World dictionary

  • creditable — [[t]kre̱dɪtəb(ə)l[/t]] 1) ADJ GRADED A creditable performance or achievement is of a reasonably high standard. They turned out a quite creditable performance... Gazza finished a creditable third. Syn: respectable Derived words: creditably… …   English dictionary

  • creditable — adjective deserving praise or approval: a creditable piece of factual research | a creditable performance: Sue gave a very creditable performance as Lady Macbeth. creditably adverb …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • creditable — credible, creditable, credulous Credible means ‘able to be believed’, with reference to people or statements: • I stand on the balcony, apparently musing on this very credible story, but really wondering how soon we can step back inside R. James …   Modern English usage

  • creditable — adjective Date: 1526 1. worthy of belief < a creditable report > 2. sufficiently good to bring esteem or praise < a creditable performance > 3. worthy of commercial credit 4. capable of being assigned • creditability …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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