

Англо-русский офтальмологический словарь. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "orbitotomy" в других словарях:

  • orbitotomy — Surgical incision into the orbit. [L. orbita, orbit, + tome, a cutting] * * * or·bi·tot·o·my .ȯr bə tät ə mē n, pl mies surgical incision of the orbit * * * n. surgical removal of part of the orbital bones to gain access to the orbital space. *… …   Medical dictionary

  • orbitotomy — n. surgical removal of part of the orbital bones to gain access to the orbital space …   The new mediacal dictionary

  • Rudolf Ulrich Krönlein — (February 19, 1847 October 26, 1910) was a Swiss surgeon who was a native of Stein am Rhein. In 1872 he received his medical doctorate at Zurich, and furthered his studies in Berlin under Bernhard von Langenbeck (1810 1887). In 1874 he became… …   Wikipedia

  • orbitotomía — Eng. Orbitotomy Incisión quirúrgica que se realiza en una de las paredes orbitarias …   Diccionario de oftalmología

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