- orbitalis muscle
орбитальная мышца, глазнично-ямковая
Англо-русский офтальмологический словарь. 2010.
Англо-русский офтальмологический словарь. 2010.
Orbitalis muscle — Latin musculus orbitalis Gray s subject #227 1024 Origin Insertion … Wikipedia
Muscle — is the tissue of the body which primarily functions as a source of power. There are three types of muscle in the body. Muscle which is responsible for moving extremities and external areas of the body is called "skeletal muscle." Heart… … Medical dictionary
orbital muscle — orbitalis muscle musculus orbitalis … Medical dictionary
orbitalis — noun A muscle that controls protrusion of the eyeball … Wiktionary
pars orbitalis musculi orbicularis oculi — [TA] orbital part of orbicularis oculi muscle: the part of the orbicularis oculi muscle that arises from the medial margin of the orbit and surrounds it and the palpebral part of the muscle, inserting near the site of origin … Medical dictionary
musculus orbitalis — [TA] orbital muscle: a thin layer of nonstriated muscle that bridges the inferior orbital fissure; innervation, sympathetic branches … Medical dictionary
MÑŒller muscle — 1. fibrae circulares musculi ciliaris. 2. musculus orbitalis. 3. musculus tarsalis superior … Medical dictionary
pars orbitalis glandulae lacrimalis — [TA] orbital part of lacrimal gland: the main part of the lacrimal gland, limited in front by the orbicularis muscle and the orbital septum … Medical dictionary
musculus — SYN: muscle.For histologic description, see muscle. [L. a little mouse, a muscle, fr. mus (mur ), a mouse] musculi abdominis SYN: muscles of abdomen, under muscle. m. abductor [TA] SYN: abductor (muscle). m. abductor … Medical dictionary
part — A portion. SYN: pars [TA]. abdominal p. of aorta SYN: abdominal aorta. abdominal p. of esophagus [TA] the portion of the esophagus from where it passes through the diaphragm to the stomach. See … Medical dictionary
pars — SYN: part. [L. p. (part ) a part] p. abdominalis aortae [TA] SYN: abdominal aorta. p. abdominalis ductus thoracici [TA] SYN: abdominal part of thoracic duct. p. abdominalis esophagi [TA] SYN: abdominal part of esophagus. p. abdomina … Medical dictionary