- rostral
- пал. ростральный
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
rostral — ROSTRÁL, Ă, rostrali, e, adj. (Despre elemente de arhitectură sau despre obiecte de artă) Care are forma unei nave antice sau care este decorat cu sculpturi reprezentând prore de corăbii. ♢ Coloană rostrală = coloană ornată cu prore sculptate în… … Dicționar Român
rostral — (del lat. «rostrālis») adj. Rostrado. V. «columna rostral, corona rostral». * * * rostral. (Del lat. rostrālis). adj. Que remata en punta a modo de pico o de espolón. □ V. columna rostral, corona rostral … Enciclopedia Universal
rostral — rostral, ale, aux [ rɔstral, o ] adj. • 1663; h. XVIe; de rostre 1 ♦ Antiq. rom. Orné d éperons de navires. Colonne rostrale, érigée en souvenir d une victoire navale. 2 ♦ Anat. En forme de bec. ● rostral, rostrale, rostraux adjectif ( … Encyclopédie Universelle
Rostral — can refer to:* Anatomical location or direction, front, as opposed to caudal (rear) * Rostral bone * Rostral column, a monumental scaled column, frequently decorated with ship bows * Rostral scale, in scaled reptiles … Wikipedia
Rostral — Ros tral, a. [L. rostralis, fr. rostrum a beak; cf. F. rostral.] Of or pertaining to the beak or snout of an animal, or the beak of a ship; resembling a rostrum, esp., the rostra at Rome, or their decorations. [1913 Webster] [Monuments] adorned… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
rostral — adj. anat. Relativo al rostro. Medical Dictionary. 2011. rostral En forma de pico … Diccionario médico
rostral — (Del lat. rostrālis). adj. Que remata en punta a modo de pico o de espolón. ☛ V. columna rostral, corona rostral … Diccionario de la lengua española
rostral — [räs′trəl] adj. [LL rostralis] 1. of, in, or on a rostrum 2. decorated with rostrums, or beaks of ships [rostral pillars] … English World dictionary
Rostral — Rostral, Instrument, s. Rastral … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Rostrāl — Rostrāl, s. Rastral … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Rostral — Rostrāl, s.v.w. Rastral (s.d.) … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon