- rostellum
- Brach. ростеллум
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Rostellum — Ros*tel lum, n.; pl. {Rostella}. [L. See {Rostel}.] A small beaklike process or extension of some part; a small rostrum; as, the rostellum of the stigma of violets, or of the operculum of many mosses; the rostellum on the head of a tapeworm.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
rostellum — [räs tel′əm] n. pl. rostella [räs tel′ə] [Modl < L, dim. of rostrum: see ROSTRUM] 1. Bot. a sterile, flaplike modified stigma that separates the anthers from the stigmas in some orchids 2. Zool. a) a small, rounded projection bearing hooks on… … English World dictionary
Rostellum — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Le rostellum est une double couronne de crochets fixateurs portés par le scolex des ténias. Le rostellum est un stigmate stérile qui sépare les étamines… … Wikipédia en Français
rostellum — n. [L. rostellum, small beak] 1. A small beak or rostrum. 2. (ARTHROPODA: Insecta) The tubular piercing and sucking mouth parts. 3. (BRACHIOPODA) Low projection between anterior muscle scars to which internal oblique muscles are attached. 4.… … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
Rostellum — Rostẹllum [lateinisch, eigentlich »Schnäbelchen«] das, s/...la, Botanik: Bezeichnung für das Haftorgan des Polliniums in der Orchideenblüte. * * * Ros|tẹl|lum, das; s, ...lla [lat. rostellum = Schnäbelchen, Schnäuzchen, Vkl. von: rostrum,… … Universal-Lexikon
Rostellum — Ros|tel|lum das; s, ...lla <aus lat. rostellum »Schnäbelchen, Schnäuzchen«, Verkleinerungsform von rostrum (vgl. ↑Rostra), nach dem Aussehen> als Haftorgan für die ↑Pollinien umgebildete Narbe der Orchideenblüte (Bot.) … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
rostellum — noun Etymology: New Latin, from Latin, diminutive of rostrum beak Date: circa 1826 a small process resembling a beak ; a diminutive rostrum: as a. an extension of the stigma of an orchid flower b. an anterior prolongation of the head of a… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Rostellum — … Википедия
rostellum — /ro stel euhm/, n., pl. rostella /ro stel euh/. 1. Biol. any small, beaklike process. 2. Bot. a beaklike modification of the stigma in many orchids. 3. Zool. a. a projecting part of the scolex in certain tapeworms. b. a part of the mouth in many… … Universalium
rostellum — The anterior fixed or invertible portion of the scolex of a tapeworm, frequently provided with a row (or several rows) of hooks. [L. dim. of rostrum, a beak] armed r. r. with one or more rows of hooks. unarmed r. r. lacking hooks. * * *… … Medical dictionary
rostellum — n. beak or beaklike part … English contemporary dictionary