- primal
- 1. главный, основной 2. примитивный, первобытный
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Primal — Обложка европейского издания игры Разработчик SCE Studio Cambridge … Википедия
Primal — Entwickler SCE Studio Cambridge Publisher … Deutsch Wikipedia
primal — primal, ale, aux [ primal, o ] adj. • 1975; angl. primal, du lat. primalis ♦ Psychol. Cri primal, thérapie primale : technique thérapeutique qui se propose de faire revivre au malade, notamment au moyen de cris, la souffrance à l origine de sa… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Primal — can refer to: * Primal (Eureka episode), a season 1 episode of Eureka * Primal (video game), an action video game for the PlayStation 2 * Primal Pictures, the producer of 3D Interactive Anatomy Software, established in 1991 * Optimus Primal *… … Wikipedia
Primal — Pri mal, a. [LL. primalis, fr. L. primus the first. See {Prime}, a.] First; primary; original; chief. [1913 Webster] It hath the primal eldest curse upon it. Shak. [1913 Webster] The primal duties shine aloft like stars. Wordsworth. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Primal — Éditeur Sony Computer Entertainment Développeur SCE Studio Cambridge Date de sortie … Wikipédia en Français
primal — ► ADJECTIVE 1) basic; primitive; primeval. 2) Psychology relating to feelings or behaviour postulated to form the origins of emotional life: primal fears. ORIGIN Latin primalis, from primus first … English terms dictionary
primal — [prī′məl] adj. [ML primalis < L primus, first: see PRIME] 1. first in time; original; primitive 2. first in importance; primary 3. fundamental; basic [the primal urge to procreate] … English World dictionary
primal — index cardinal (basic), central (essential), incipient, initial, original (initial), prime ( … Law dictionary
primal — c.1600, belonging to the earliest age, from M.L. primalis primary (late 15c.), from L. primus first (see PRIME (Cf. prime) (adj.)). Psychological sense, in ref. to Freud s theory of behaviors springing from the earliest stage of emotional… … Etymology dictionary
primal — primordial, primitive, pristine, primeval, *primary, prime Analogous words: *ultimate, absolute, categorical: original, fresh, *new … New Dictionary of Synonyms