- phenakite
- фенакит, Be2Si04
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
phenakite — [fen′əsīt΄fen′ə kīt΄] n. 〚Swed phenakit < Gr phenax (gen. phenakos), cheat + ITE1: from being mistaken for quartz〛 a very hard, glassy, rhombohedral mineral, Be2SiO4, of various colors, sometimes used as a gem; beryllium silicate: often … Universalium
phenakite — [fen′əsīt΄fen′ə kīt΄] n. [Swed phenakit < Gr phenax (gen. phenakos), cheat + ITE1: from being mistaken for quartz] a very hard, glassy, rhombohedral mineral, Be2SiO4, of various colors, sometimes used as a gem; beryllium silicate: often… … English World dictionary
Phenakite — Phenacite or phenakite is a nesosilicate mineral consisting of beryllium orthosilicate, Be2SiO4. Occasionally used as a gemstone, phenacite occurs as isolated crystals, which are rhombohedral with parallel faced hemihedrism, and are either… … Wikipedia
phenakite — fenakitas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Mineralas. formulė Be₂SiO₄ atitikmenys: angl. phenakite rus. фенакит … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
phenakite — or phenacite noun Etymology: German Phenakit, from Greek phenak , phenax deceiver; from its being easily mistaken for quartz Date: circa 1834 a hard glassy mineral that consists of a silicate of beryllium and occurs especially in rhombohedral… … New Collegiate Dictionary
phénakite — (fé na ki t ) s. f. Silicate de glycine, qu on avait pris pour du quartz. ÉTYMOLOGIE Du grec, trompeur … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
phenakite — phen·a·kite … English syllables
phenakite — … Useful english dictionary
PHWO — Phenakite Natural White gemstone (Academic & Science » Geology) ** PHiladelphus WOotonii Hu (Wooton s Mock Orange plant) (Academic & Science » Botany) … Abbreviations dictionary
Phenakit — Chemische Formel Be2[SiO4] Mineralklasse Silikate und Germanate 9.AA.05 (8. Auflage: VIII/A.01 10) (nach Strunz) (nach Dana) … Deutsch Wikipedia
Silicate minerals — The silicate minerals make up the largest and most important class of rock forming minerals, constituting approximately 90 percent of the crust of the Earth. They are classified based on the structure of their silicate group. Silicate minerals… … Wikipedia