- phenacite
- фенакит, Be2Si04
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Phenacite — Phénacite Phénacite Catégorie IX : silicates Formule brute Be2SiO4 Identification Classe cristalline et groupe d espace … Wikipédia en Français
Phénacite — Catégorie IX : silicates[1] Général … Wikipédia en Français
Phenacite — Phen a*cite, n. [Gr. ?, ?, impostor, deceiver.] (Min.) A glassy colorless mineral occurring in rhombohedral crystals, sometimes used as a gem. It is a silicate of glucina, and receives its name from its deceptive similarity to quartz. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
phenacite — noun see phenakite … New Collegiate Dictionary
phenacite — /fen euh suyt /, n. a rare vitreous mineral, beryllium silicate, Be2SiO4, occurring in crystals, sometimes used as a gem. Also, phenakite /fen euh kuyt /. [1825 35; < Gk phenak (s. of phénax) a cheat, quack + ITE1] * * * … Universalium
phenacite — phen·a·cite … English syllables
phenacite — /ˈfɛnəsaɪt/ (say fenuhsuyt) noun a vitreous mineral, beryllium silicate, Be2SiO4, occurring in crystals, sometimes used as a gem. Also, phenakite /ˈfɛnəkaɪt/ (say fenuhkuyt). {Greek phenax cheat, impostor + ite1} …
phenacite — noun see phenakite … Useful english dictionary
Phenakite — Phenacite or phenakite is a nesosilicate mineral consisting of beryllium orthosilicate, Be2SiO4. Occasionally used as a gemstone, phenacite occurs as isolated crystals, which are rhombohedral with parallel faced hemihedrism, and are either… … Wikipedia
Nésosilicate — Un nésosilicate (νήσος nesos « île ») est un minéral de la famille des silicates dont le groupement (SiO4)4 associé à un groupement chargé positivement constitue le motif cristallin de base. Ce sont des tétraèdres de silice isolés et… … Wikipédia en Français
Фенакит — (от греч. phenax, род. падеж phenakos обманщик, из за внешнего сходства c кварцем * a. phenacite; н. Phenakit; ф. phenacite; и. fenacita) минерал, ортосиликат бериллия, Be2(SiCO4). Cодержит 44% BeO, незначит. примеси (n·10%) Al, Fe, Mg,… … Геологическая энциклопедия