- charophyte
- харофит, харовая водоросль
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
charophyte — ● charophyte nom masculin Plante sans graines, d une structure très particulière, telle que les genres chara et nitella. (Les charophytes sont des plantes des eaux douces, aux rameaux verticillés, se reproduisant par un organe en forme d œuf. Les … Encyclopédie Universelle
charophyte — /kar euh fuyt /, n. any green algae of the class Charophyceae (or group Charophyta), comprising the stoneworts. [ < NL Charophyta, equiv. to Char(a) a genus of stoneworts (L: a plant of uncert. identity found in Epirus) + o O + Gk phyta, pl. of… … Universalium
charophyte — noun Any green alga of the division Charophyta … Wiktionary
charophyte — [ kα:rə(ʊ)ˌfʌɪt, karə(ʊ) , tʃarə(ʊ) ] noun Botany a plant of a division (Charophyta) that includes the stoneworts. Origin mod. L. Charophyta, from Chara (genus name) + phuta plants … English new terms dictionary
charophyte — char·o·phyte … English syllables
charophyte — char•o•phyte [[t]ˈkær əˌfaɪt[/t]] n. mcr any green algae of the class Charophyceae (or group Charophyta), comprising the stoneworts • Etymology: < NL Charophyta < Char(a) a genus of stoneworts … From formal English to slang
charophyte — noun see charophyta … Useful english dictionary
Rhynie chert — The Rhynie chert is an Early Devonian Lagerstättefound near the village of Rhynie, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, containing exceptionally preserved plant, fungus, lichen and animal material petrified in three dimensions by covering with fast setting… … Wikipedia
charale — ● charale nom féminin Synonyme de charophyte. ● charale (synonymes) nom féminin Synonymes : charophyte … Encyclopédie Universelle
Streptophytina — Taxobox name = Streptophytina regnum = Plantae unranked classis = Streptophytina subdivision ranks = Classes Charophyceae Embryophyceae Streptophytina is formally a subdivision or subphylum (but sometimes used at the division level, where more… … Wikipedia
Cleveland Lloyd Dinosaur Quarry — Visitor Center The Cleveland Lloyd Dinosaur Quarry National Natural Landmark, located in The San Rafael Swell, near Cleveland, Utah contains the densest concentration of Jurassic dinosaur fossils ever found. Well over 15,000 bones have been… … Wikipedia