- charnockite
- чарнокит (гиперстеновый гранит)
alkali charnockite щелочной чарнокит
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
charnockite — ● charnockite nom féminin (de Charnock, nom propre) Roche grenue, de composition granitique et contenant de l hypersthène … Encyclopédie Universelle
Charnockite — Late stage charnockite dykes cutting anorthosite, Rogaland, Norway Charnockite ( … Wikipedia
charnockite — ▪ rock any member of a series of metamorphic rocks with variable chemical composition, first described from the state of Tamil Nadu in southern India and named for Job Charnock. The term is often limited to the characteristic orthopyroxene… … Universalium
Charnockite — Une charnockite est une roche magmatique à faciès de granite ou de granite gneissique, blanchâtre à verdâtre, à structure granoblastique, avec quartz, microcline ou orthose très finement perthitique, plagioclase (oligoclase), hypersthène, grenat… … Wikipédia en Français
Charnockite, St. Thomas Mount — Coordinates … Wikipedia
charnockite — char·nock·ite … English syllables
charnockite — ˈchärnəˌkīt noun ( s) Etymology: Job Charnock died 1693 English founder of Calcutta + English ite; from the fact that his tombstone is made of this rock 1. : any of a series of rocks ranging from granite to norite and pyroxenite all containing… … Useful english dictionary
Charnockit — Verde Ubatuba, Mustergrösse ca. 12x10 cm Charnockite sind Gesteine mit granitähnlicher Zusammensetzung und magmatischem Gefüge. Der Name Charnockit bezieht sich an den Namen des Gründers von Kalkutta, Job Charnock, an, dessen Mausoleum aus einem… … Deutsch Wikipedia
St. Thomas Mount — Coordinates: 12°59′42″N 80°11′58″E / 12.99506°N 80.19955°E / 12.99506; 80.19955 … Wikipedia
Anorthosite — (pronEng|æˈnɔrθəsaɪt/, /ə ) is a phaneritic, intrusive igneous rock characterized by a predominance of plagioclase feldspar (90–100%), and a minimal mafic component (0–10%). Pyroxene, ilmenite, magnetite, and olivine are the mafic minerals most… … Wikipedia
Чарнокит — [по фам. основателя г. Калькутты Чарнока] разнов. микроклинового гранита, содер. в качестве цветного м ла гиперстен, а в качестве рудного магнетит. В настоящее время к чарнокитам относят метасоматич. п. гранитоидного состава, содер., помимо… … Геологическая энциклопедия