- Albian
- альб, альбский ярус (нижнего мела)
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Albian — (French Albion , from Alba = Aube in France) is a stage of the Cretaceous period.Albian is a term proposed in 1842 by A. d Orbigny for that stage of the Cretaceous system which comes above (later) the Aptian and below (before) the Cenomanian (Pal … Wikipedia
albian — ALBIÁN subst., adj. 1. subst. Primul etaj (vârstă) al cretacicului mijlociu, considerat ultimul etaj al cretacicului inferior. 2. adj. Care se referă la vârsta şi la formaţiilor albianului (1) [pr.: bi an] – Din fr. albien. Trimis de ana zecheru … Dicționar Român
albian — I. ˈalbēən adjective Usage: usually capitalized Etymology: Alb (probably from Aube, department of France, its type station) + English ian : of or relating to the lowest division of the Upper Cretaceous especially in western Europe and the… … Useful english dictionary
Albian Sands — Energy Inc. is the operator of the Muskeg River Mine, an oil sands mining project located 75 kilometres (47 mi) north of Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada. It is a joint venture between Shell Canada (60%), Marathon Oil Canada (20%) and Chevron… … Wikipedia
Albian Stage — ▪ geology uppermost of six main divisions of the Lower Cretaceous Series, representing rocks deposited worldwide during the Albian Age, which occurred between 112 million and 99.6 million years ago during the Cretaceous Period. Albian rocks … Universalium
Albian — System Serie Stufe ≈ Alter (mya) höher höher höher jünger Kreide Oberkreide … Deutsch Wikipedia
albian — al·bi·an … English syllables
Fort MacKay/Albian Aerodrome — is located convert|2|NM|abbr=on|lk=in west of Albian Village, Alberta, Canada in the Athabasca Oil Sands area. Albian Village has been built by Shell Canada to house workers at the Jackpine Mine. The runway routinely handles Boeing 727 flights… … Wikipedia
άλβιο ή άλβιος βαθμίδα — (albian). Είναι η νεότερη βαθμίδα του κατώτερου κρητιδικού του μεσοζωικού αιώνα. Στρώματα της βαθμίδας αυτής παρουσιάζονται σε πολλά μέρη. Χαρακτηριστικό των στρωμάτων αυτών στην Ευρώπη είναι ότι περικλείουν ορισμένα απολιθώματα αμμωνιτών. Στην… … Dictionary of Greek
Fort St. John Group — Stratigraphic range: Lower Cretaceous … Wikipedia
Creatures (artificial life program) — This article is about the artificial life game made by Creature Labs. For the Commodore 64 game, see Creatures (video game). Albia redirects here. For the small town in the United States, see Albia, Iowa. Creatures is an artificial life (alife)… … Wikipedia