- Albertan
- альбертская серия (среднего кембрия)
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Albertan — adjective or noun see Alberta … New Collegiate Dictionary
Albertan — See Alberta. * * * … Universalium
Albertan — 1. adjective Of or pertaining to the Canadian province of Alberta 2. noun A native or inhabitant of Alberta, Canada … Wiktionary
Albertán — ► masculino GEOLOGÍA Piso geológico de la clasificación norteamericana … Enciclopedia Universal
albertan — al·ber·tan … English syllables
albertan — I. (ˈ)al|bərtən adjective Usage: usually capitalized Etymology: Alberta, province of Canada + English an 1. : of or relating to Alberta 2. : of or relating to a subage and substage of the Cambrian period II. noun … Useful english dictionary
Franco-Albertan — The Franco Albertans are an extended community of French Canadians or French speaking people living in Alberta. They are centred in the Bonnie Doon area of Edmonton, and there are tens of thousands of Franco Albertans living in communities such… … Wikipedia
Franco-Albertan Flag — Created by Jean Pierre Grenier, the design for the Franco Albertan flag was adopted by the Association canadienne française de l Alberta (French Canadian Association of Alberta) in March 1982. It was the winning entry in a contest sponsored by… … Wikipedia
Christian Albertan — est un historien spécialiste de l histoire moderne, né le 28 mars 1951[1]. Il enseigne à l Université de Valenciennes et du Hainaut Cambrésis. Il est agrégé d histoire. Publications Apogée et fin des Mémoires de Trévoux (1751… … Wikipédia en Français
Alberta — Albertan, adj., n. /al berr teuh/, n. 1. a province in W Canada. 1,799,771; 255,285 sq. mi. (661,190 sq. km). Cap.: Edmonton. Abbr.: Alba., Alta. 2. a female given name, form of Albertine. * * * Province (pop., 2001: 2,974,807), Canada,… … Universalium
Alberta Gaming and Liquor Commission — The Alberta Gaming and Liquor Commission (or AGLC) is an agency of the Government of the Canadian province of Alberta, and regulates alcoholic beverage and gaming related activities. The AGLC was created in 1996 by combining the responsibilities… … Wikipedia