- asporous
- лишённый спор
* * *лишенный спор
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
asporous — Incapable of producing spores. [G. a priv. + sporos, seed] * * * aspor·ous ( )ā spōr əs, spȯr adj not having true spores * * * aspor·ous (ə sporґəs) [a 1 + Gr. sporos seed] having no true spores; applied to microorganisms … Medical dictionary
asporous — (ˈ)ā+| adjective Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary a (II) + sporous : without true spores … Useful english dictionary
asporogenic — adj. [Gr. an, without; spora, seed; genes, producing] Pertaining to not producing or bearing spores. asporous adj … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology