- asporogenic
- не образующий спор
* * *не образующий спор
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
asporogenic — adj. [Gr. an, without; spora, seed; genes, producing] Pertaining to not producing or bearing spores. asporous adj … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
asporogenic — aspo·ro·gen·ic (as″po ro jenґik) [a 1 + sporogenic] 1. not producing spores. 2. not reproduced by spores … Medical dictionary
asporogenic — adjective see asporogenous … Useful english dictionary
Bruce Edwards Ivins — Infobox Person name =Bruce Edwards Ivins caption =Ivins at a 2003 awards ceremony at USAMRIID. birth date = Birth date|1946|4|22 birth place =Lebanon, Ohio, U.S. death date = Death date and age|mf=yes|2008|7|29|1946|4|22 death place = Frederick… … Wikipedia
asporogenous — Not producing spores. [G. a priv. + sporos, seed, + gen, production] * * * aspo·rog·e·nous ( )ā spə räj ə nəs, spȯ also aspo·ro·gen·ic .spōr ə jen ik, .spȯr adj not spore bearing: not producing spores <asporogenous yeasts> * * *… … Medical dictionary
Bruce Edwards Ivins — Dieser Artikel wurde aufgrund von formalen und/oder inhaltlichen Mängeln in der Qualitätssicherung Biologie zur Verbesserung eingetragen. Dies geschieht, um die Qualität der Biologie Artikel auf ein akzeptables Niveau zu bringen. Bitte hilf mit,… … Deutsch Wikipedia
asporogenous — |ā+ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ adjective or asporogenic |ā+ˌ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary a (II) + sporogenous, sporogenic : not spore bearing : not producing spores used especially of yeasts … Useful english dictionary