- amphidromic point
• амфидромический пункт• пункт схождения котидальных линий и отсутствия приливов
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Amphidromic point — An amphidromic point is a point within a tidal system where the tidal range is almost zero. [ 2 tidal constituent the amplitude indicated by color. The white lines are cotidal differing by 1 hr. [ Picture credit: R. Ray,… … Wikipedia
amphidromic point — /am fi drom ik, am /, Oceanog. a point of almost zero tidal fluctuation on the ocean surface, represented on a chart of cotidal lines by a point from which these lines radiate. [1935 40; Gk amphídrom(os) running both ways + IC; see AMPHI , DROME] … Useful english dictionary
amphidromic point — /am fi drom ik, am /, Oceanog. a point of almost zero tidal fluctuation on the ocean surface, represented on a chart of cotidal lines by a point from which these lines radiate. [1935 40; < Gk amphídrom(os) running both ways + IC; see AMPHI ,… … Universalium
amphidromic point — a point of zero amplitude of the observed or a constituent tide … Dictionary of ichthyology
amphidromic — | ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷|drämik adjective Etymology: Greek amphidromos running both ways (from amphi + dromos course, racecourse) + English ic more at dromedary : relating to a system of tidal action in which the tide wave progresses around a point or center of … Useful english dictionary
amphidromic region — an area surrounding an amphidromic point from which the radiating cotidal lines progress through all hours of the tidal cycle … Dictionary of ichthyology
Tide — This article is about tides in the Earth s oceans. For other uses, see Tide (disambiguation). Tidal redirects here. For other uses, see Tidal (disambiguation). High Tide redirects here. For other uses, see High Tide (disambiguation) … Wikipedia
Ocean thermal energy conversion — Temperature differences between the surface and 1000m depth in the oceans Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) uses the difference between cooler deep and warmer shallow or surface ocean waters to run a heat engine and produce useful work,… … Wikipedia
Coriolis effect — For the psychophysical perception effect, see Coriolis effect (perception). Classical mechanics Newton s Second Law … Wikipedia
Hydrothermal vent — Marine habitats White smokers emitting liquid carbon dioxide at the Champagne vent, Northwest Eifuku volcano, Marianas Trench Marine National Monument Littoral zone … Wikipedia
Sea level — For the sea level change associated with the current episode of global warming, see current sea level rise. For other uses, see Sea level (disambiguation). This marker indicating the sea level is placed on the path from Jerusalem to the Dead Sea … Wikipedia