- amphidetic ligament
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English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
amphidetic — adj. [Gr. amphi, on both sides; detos, bound] (MOLLUSCA: Bivalvia) Refers to the ligament extending both before and behind the umbo or beak; see opisthodetic, parivincular … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
amphidetic — | ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷|ded.ik adjective Etymology: Greek amphidetos tied all around (from amphidein to tie around, from amphi + dein to tie) + English ic more at diadem : extending both before and behind the beak used of the ligament of certain bivalves;… … Useful english dictionary
prosodetic — |präsə|ded.ik adjective Etymology: proso + detic (as in amphidetic) : situated in front of the beak used of the ligament of a bivalve mollusk; compare amphidetic, opisthodetic … Useful english dictionary
opisthodetic — adj. [Gr. opisthen, behind; detos, bind] (MOLLUSCA: Bivalvia) Said of the ligament that extends posterior to the umbo (beak); see amphidetic, parivincular … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
parivincular — adj. [L. par, equal; vinculum, bond] (MOLLUSCA: Bivalvia) Having a ligament similar to a cylinder split on one side, attached by several edges (nymphae), with one edge to each valve; see opisthodetic, amphidetic … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology