airway level

airway level
вентиляционный горизонт

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "airway level" в других словарях:

  • Airway (aviation) — In aviation, an airway is a designated route in the air. Airways are laid out between navigation aids such as VORs, NDBs and Intersections (NDB based airways are rare in the United States, but are more common in much of the rest of the world).… …   Wikipedia

  • Airway management — In cardiopulmonary resuscitation, anaesthesia, emergency medicine, intensive care medicine and first aid, airway management is the process of ensuring that: # there is an open pathway between a patient’s lungs and the outside world, and # the… …   Wikipedia

  • Airway — The airways are those parts of the respiratory system through which air flows, to get from the external environment to the alveoli.The airway begins at the mouth or nose, and accesses the trachea via the pharynx. The trachea branches into the… …   Wikipedia

  • Airway — Eine Luftstraße (engl. airway, AWY siehe Luftfahrtabkürzung) dient der Flugsicherung auf viel beflogenen Routen. Sie verläuft in mehreren geradlinigen Stücken zwischen Funkfeuern oder Wegpunkten (engl. intersections) und kann mehrere Staaten… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Positive airway pressure — A typical CPAP machine houses the air pump in a case lined with sound absorbing material for quieter operation. A hose carries the pressurized air to a face mask or nasal pillow …   Wikipedia

  • Airport and Airway Development Act of 1970 — The Airport and Airway Development Act of 1970 (Pub.L. 91 258) was initiated and passed by the 91st congressional session of the United States Congress in 1970.cite web |url= soi/01airex.pdf |title=Excise Taxes and the… …   Wikipedia

  • Reactive airway disease — Reactive Airways Dysfunction Syndrome or RADS (also known as Reactive Airway Disease or RAD) is a term proposed by S.M. Brooks and colleagues in 1985 [cite web | author= S.M. Brooks, M.A. Weiss, I.L. Bernstein | title=Reactive airways dysfunction …   Wikipedia

  • continuous positive airway pressure — n a technique of assisting breathing by maintaining the air pressure in the lungs and air passages constant and above atmospheric pressure throughout the breathing cycle abbr. CPAP compare POSITIVE END EXPIRATORY PRESSURE * * * (CPAP) a method of …   Medical dictionary

  • VOR and L/MF airway system — A system consisting of airways designated from 1200 ft above the surface (or in some instances higher) up to but not including 18,000 ft MSL (mean sea level). These airways are depicted on en route low altitude charts. The altitude limits of a… …   Aviation dictionary

  • high-level airway — In controlled high level airspace, a prescribed track between specified radio aids to navigation. On aeronautical charts, the letter J (e.g., J500) indicates high level airways …   Aviation dictionary

  • First aid — This article is about the provision of immediate care. For the Transformers character, see First Aid (Transformers) …   Wikipedia

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