- airway
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English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
airway — n. 1. a duct that provides ventilation, as in mines. Syn: air passage, air duct. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Airway — Airway, est le label d une compagnie de disque idépendante américaine. Artistes produits : Sunnyland Slim, Zora Young, Portail du blues Catégories : Label de musique indépendantLabel de blues … Wikipédia en Français
airway — ► NOUN 1) the passage by which air reaches the lungs. 2) a tube for supplying air to the lungs in an emergency. 3) a recognized route followed by aircraft … English terms dictionary
airway — [er′wā΄] n. 1. AIR SHAFT (sense 1) 2. a specific route for air traffic, provided with navigational aids; air lane 3. [pl.] airwaves 4. Med. a) a respiratory passageway b) a device used to bring air to the lungs duri … English World dictionary
Airway — The airways are those parts of the respiratory system through which air flows, to get from the external environment to the alveoli.The airway begins at the mouth or nose, and accesses the trachea via the pharynx. The trachea branches into the… … Wikipedia
Airway — Eine Luftstraße (engl. airway, AWY siehe Luftfahrtabkürzung) dient der Flugsicherung auf viel beflogenen Routen. Sie verläuft in mehreren geradlinigen Stücken zwischen Funkfeuern oder Wegpunkten (engl. intersections) und kann mehrere Staaten… … Deutsch Wikipedia
airway — n. 1) any of the passages of the respiratory system. 2) any device that enables the flow of air into and out of the lungs. See: nasopharyngeal airway, oropharyngeal airway … The new mediacal dictionary
airway — UK [ˈeə(r)weɪ] / US [ˈerˌweɪ] noun [countable] Word forms airway : singular airway plural airways 1) a tube in your body that carries air into your lungs from your nose or mouth 2) a path through the sky that planes regularly use … English dictionary
Airway — The path air follows to get into and out of the lungs. The mouth and nose are the normal entry and exit ports. Entering air then passes through the back of the throat (pharynx), continues through the voice box (larynx), down the trachea, and… … Medical dictionary
airway — A control area, or a portion thereof, established in the form of a corridor (ICAO). An airway is equipped with radio navigation aids. It is a path through navigable airspace designated by the appropriate authority within which air traffic… … Aviation dictionary
airway — /ˈɛəweɪ/ (say airway) noun 1. an air route fully equipped with emergency landing fields, beacon lights, radio beams, etc. 2. any passage in a mine used for purposes of ventilation; an air course. 3. Medicine a tube used to achieve unobstructed… …