components of aggregates

components of aggregates
составные части совокупных показателей ;

Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.

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Смотреть что такое "components of aggregates" в других словарях:

  • Divisia monetary aggregates index — In econometrics and official statistics, and particularly in banking, the Divisia monetary aggregates index is an index of money supply. It is a particular application of a Divisia index to monetary aggregates. Background The monetary aggregates… …   Wikipedia

  • Divisia monetary aggregates — The monetary aggregates currently in use by the Federal Reserve (and most other central banks around the world) are simple sum indices in which all monetary components are assigned a unitary weight, as followsM {t}=sum {j=1}^{n}x {jt}where x {jt} …   Wikipedia

  • Javascript Data Components — The JavaScript Data Components, or JSDC are open source libraries (GPL), made to give developers of dynamic web pages an easy and fast way of making their applications more powerful using datasets, master detail relations, dataset events,… …   Wikipedia

  • ECONOMIC AFFAIRS — THE PRE MANDATE (LATE OTTOMAN) PERIOD Geography and Borders In September 1923 a new political entity was formally recognized by the international community. Palestine, or Ereẓ Israel as Jews have continued to refer to it for 2,000 years,… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • lipid — /lip id, luy pid/, n. Biochem. any of a group of organic compounds that are greasy to the touch, insoluble in water, and soluble in alcohol and ether: lipids comprise the fats and other esters with analogous properties and constitute, with… …   Universalium

  • Money supply — Finance Financial markets Bond market …   Wikipedia

  • atomism — atomist, n. atomistic, atomistical, adj. atomistically, adv. /at euh miz euhm/, n. 1. Also called atomic theory. Philos. the theory that minute, discrete, finite, and indivisible elements are the ultimate constituents of all matter. 2. Psychol. a …   Universalium

  • Anaxagoras and the atomists — C.C.W.Taylor ANAXAGORAS In the course of the fifth century BC the political and cultural pre eminence of Athens attracted to the city a considerable number of intellectuals of various kinds from all over the Greek world. This phenomenon, the so… …   History of philosophy

  • igneous rock — Any of various crystalline or glassy, noncrystalline rocks formed by the cooling and solidification of molten earth material (magma). Igneous rocks comprise one of the three principal classes of rocks, the others being metamorphic and sedimentary …   Universalium

  • Marine snow — Underway recovery of a sediment trap used to collect marine snow and estimate export production In the deep ocean, marine snow is a continuous shower of mostly organic detritus falling from the upper layers of the water column. It is a… …   Wikipedia

  • building construction — Techniques and industry involved in the assembly and erection of structures. Early humans built primarily for shelter, using simple methods. Building materials came from the land, and fabrication was dictated by the limits of the materials and… …   Universalium

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