component products

component products
продукты, входящие в состав агрегированной продукции ;

Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.

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Смотреть что такое "component products" в других словарях:

  • component — 01. There are three main [components] to the plan. 02. The various [components] are manufactured by different suppliers around the world, and assembled in our factory in Mexico. 03. The principal [component] of the Asian diet is rice. 04. They… …   Grammatical examples in English

  • component — com|po|nent1 W2S3 [kəmˈpəunənt US ˈpou ] n [Date: 1500 1600; : Latin; Origin: , present participle of componere; COMPOUND2] one of several parts that together make up a whole machine, system etc = ↑constituent ▪ companies that make electronic… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Component Video Connection — TV The output of a video device (such as a DTV set top box), or the input of a DTV receiver or monitor consisting of three primary color signals: red, green, and blue that together convey all necessary picture information. With current consumer… …   Audio and video glossary

  • products liability — The liability of manufacturers and other persons for defective products. Under the Consumer Protection Act (1987), passed to conform with the requirements of EU law, the producer of a defective product that causes death or personal injury or… …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • products-guarantee insurance — An insurance policy covering financial loss as a consequence of a fault occurring in a company s product. A product guarantee claim would be made, for example, to pay for the cost of recalling and repairing cars that are found to have a defective …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • Linn Products — Infobox Company company name = Linn Products Limited company company type = Private Limited Company foundation = February 19, 1973 location = Glasgow, Scotland key people = Ivor Tiefenbrun industry = Home entertainment equipment manufacturing… …   Wikipedia

  • Principal component analysis — PCA of a multivariate Gaussian distribution centered at (1,3) with a standard deviation of 3 in roughly the (0.878, 0.478) direction and of 1 in the orthogonal direction. The vectors shown are the eigenvectors of the covariance matrix scaled by… …   Wikipedia

  • Multi-component reaction — In chemistry, a multi component reaction (or MCR), sometimes referred to as a Multi component Assembly Process (or MCAP), is a chemical reaction where three or more compounds react to form a single product. [1] By definition, multicomponent… …   Wikipedia

  • List of Mozilla products — The following is a list of Mozilla Foundation / Mozilla Corp. / Mozilla Messaging Inc. products. All products, unless specified, are cross platform by design. Contents 1 Client applications 2 Components 3 Development tools …   Wikipedia

  • Liability for Defective Products Act 1991 — The Liability for Defective Products Act 1991 is an Act of the Oireachtas that augmented Irish law on product liability formerly based solely on negligence. It introduced a strict liability regime for defective products, implementing Council of… …   Wikipedia

  • List of Yamaha products — A list of products by Yamaha Corporation. Musical Instruments Acoustic musical instruments Upright pianos * M1 * M450 * M475 * M500 * P22 * P600 * T116 * T121 * U1 * U2 * U3 * U5Grand pianos * GB1 * GC1 * GC1FP * GC1G * C1 * C2 * C3 * C5 * C6 *… …   Wikipedia

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