woodworking industry

woodworking industry
лесообрабатывающая промышленность

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "woodworking industry" в других словарях:

  • furniture industry — Introduction       all the companies and activities involved in the design, manufacture, distribution, and sale of functional and decorative objects of household equipment.       The modern manufacture of furniture, as distinct from its design,… …   Universalium

  • aerospace industry — Introduction       assemblage of manufacturing concerns that deal with vehicular flight within and beyond the Earth s atmosphere. (The term aerospace is derived from the words aeronautics and spaceflight.) The aerospace industry is engaged in the …   Universalium

  • automotive industry — Introduction       all those companies and activities involved in the manufacture of motor vehicles, including most components, such as engines and bodies, but excluding tires, batteries, and fuel. The industry s principal products are passenger… …   Universalium

  • clothing and footwear industry — Introduction also called  apparel and allied industries,  garment industries,  or  soft goods industries,         factories and mills producing outerwear, underwear, headwear, footwear, belts, purses, luggage, gloves, scarfs, ties, and household… …   Universalium

  • Solutrean industry — Short lived stone tool industry that flourished 17,000–21,000 years ago in southwestern France (e.g., at La Solutré and Laugerie Haute) and in nearby areas. The industry is of special interest because of its particularly fine workmanship. In… …   Universalium

  • Sangoan industry — ▪ prehistoric technology       sub Saharan African stone tool industry of Acheulian derivation (see Acheulian industry (Acheulean industry)) dating from the Late Pleistocene Epoch (about 130,000 to 10,000 years ago). It is more or less… …   Universalium

  • Lupemban industry — ▪ prehistoric technology also called  Lupembian Industry,         a sub Saharan African stone tool industry dating from the late Pleistocene, beginning about 40,000 years ago. The Lupemban industry was derived from and replaced the Sangoan… …   Universalium

  • Perigordian industry — ▪ archaeology       tool tradition of prehistoric men in Upper Paleolithic Europe that followed the Mousterian industry, was contemporary in part with the Aurignacian, and was succeeded by the Solutrean. Perigordian tools included denticulate… …   Universalium

  • Agriculture in Mongolia — constitutes 20.6% of Mongolia s annual Gross domestic product and employs 42% of the labor force. However, the high altitude, extreme fluctuation in temperature, long winters, and low precipitation provides limited potential for agricultural… …   Wikipedia

  • Novgorod Oblast — Новгородская область (Russian)   Oblast   …   Wikipedia

  • Krasnoufimsk — ( ru. Красноуфимск) is a town in Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia, the administrative center of Krasnoufimsky District. Population: ru census2002|43595|; su census1989|45618|.*Mayor: Vladimir Malakhov (1996 2000; 2004 to present) *International Dialing… …   Wikipedia

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