- woodworking
- 1) обработка древесины; деревообделочная работа2) деревообделочный
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Woodworking — is the process of building, making or carving something using wood. History Along with stone, mud, and animal parts, wood was certainly one of the first materials worked by primitive human beings. Microwear analysis of the Mousterian stone tools… … Wikipedia
woodworking — [wood′wʉr΄kiŋ] n. the art or work of making things of wood adj. of woodworking woodworker n … English World dictionary
woodworking — I. adjective Date: 1839 used for woodworking II. noun Date: 1858 the act, process, or occupation of working wood into a useful or desired form • woodworker noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
woodworking — /wood werr king/, n. 1. the act or art of working wood. adj. 2. pertaining to or used for shaping wood: woodworking tools. [1870 75; WOOD1 + WORKING] * * * … Universalium
woodworking — noun Woodworking is used before these nouns: ↑tool … Collocations dictionary
woodworking — /ˈwʊdwɜkɪŋ/ (say woodwerking) noun 1. the art or craft of someone who works in wood. –adjective 2. relating to or used for shaping wood: woodworking tools. {woodwork + ing1} …
woodworking — woodwork ► NOUN 1) the wooden parts of a room, building, or other structure. 2) Brit. the activity or skill of making things from wood. ● come out of the woodwork Cf. ↑come out of the woodwork DERIVATIVES woodworker noun … English terms dictionary
Woodworking machine — A Woodworking machine is a machine that is intended to process wood. These machines are usually powered by electric motors and are used extensively in woodworking. Sometimes grinding machines (for grinding woodworking tools) are also considered a … Wikipedia
Woodworking joints — [ thumb|Pocket Hole Joinery being used to assemble a simple T Joint .] Joinery is that part of woodworking that involves joining together pieces of wood, to create furniture, structures, toys, and other items. Some wood joints employ fasteners,… … Wikipedia
Woodworking tools manufacturers — This is a list of manufacturers of Woodworking hand tools, hand held power tools and stationary machines*Altendorf GmbH **Brands: Altendorf **Tools: table saws and panel saws*Black and Decker **Brands: Black and Decker, DeWALT, Delta, Porter… … Wikipedia
woodworking — noun The crafts of carpentry, cabinet making and related skills of making things from wood … Wiktionary