
тарельчатый, чашеобразный

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "dish-shaped" в других словарях:

  • dish-shaped — adjective shaped like a dish or pan • Syn: ↑dished, ↑patelliform • Similar to: ↑concave * * * dish shaped «DIHSH SHAYPT», adjective. shaped like a dish: »With this 140 foot, dish shaped antenna to catch radio radiation from vast regions of space …   Useful english dictionary

  • dish — [dish] n. [ME < OE disc, dish, plate < PGmc * diskuz < L discus: see DISCUS] 1. a) any container, generally shallow and concave and of porcelain, earthenware, glass, plastic, etc. for serving or holding food b) [pl.] plates, bowls,… …   English World dictionary

  • dish — /dish/, n. 1. an open, relatively shallow container of pottery, glass, metal, wood, etc., used for various purposes, esp. for holding or serving food. 2. any container used at table: dirty dishes. 3. the food served or contained in a dish: The… …   Universalium

  • dish antenna — n. an antenna consisting of a dish shaped, usually concave parabolic, reflector, used to transmit or receive radio and TV signals, as from orbiting satellites * * * …   Universalium

  • dish antenna — n. an antenna consisting of a dish shaped, usually concave parabolic, reflector, used to transmit or receive radio and TV signals, as from orbiting satellites …   English World dictionary

  • dish — n. & v. n. 1 a a shallow, usu. flat bottomed container for cooking or serving food, made of glass, ceramics, metal, etc. b the food served in a dish (all the dishes were delicious). c a particular kind of food (a meat dish). 2 (in pl.) dirty… …   Useful english dictionary

  • dish cross — noun : a low cross shaped stand that is used for holding dishes at the table and that consists usually of adjustable silver bars with a small lamp being placed beneath the center to keep the food hot * * * dish cross, a metal stand to support a… …   Useful english dictionary

  • dish — [[t]dɪʃ[/t]] n. 1) cer an open, relatively shallow container of pottery, glass, etc., used esp. for holding or serving food 2) any container used at table 3) the food contained in a dish 4) coo a particular article or preparation of food: an easy …   From formal English to slang

  • dish antenna — /dɪʃ ænˈtɛnə/ (say dish an tenuh) noun an antenna, commonly used in microwave systems, having a dish shaped reflector …  

  • dish — a dish shaped utensil used in hatcheries …   Dictionary of ichthyology

  • Dish — (d[i^]sh), n. [AS. disc, L. discus dish, disc, quoit, fr. Gr. di skos quoit, fr. dikei^n to throw. Cf. {Dais}, {Desk}, {Disc}, {Discus}.] 1. A vessel, as a platter, a plate, a bowl, used for serving up food at the table. [1913 Webster] She… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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