- dish wheel
- тарельчатый (шлифовальный) круг
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Dish — (d[i^]sh), n. [AS. disc, L. discus dish, disc, quoit, fr. Gr. di skos quoit, fr. dikei^n to throw. Cf. {Dais}, {Desk}, {Disc}, {Discus}.] 1. A vessel, as a platter, a plate, a bowl, used for serving up food at the table. [1913 Webster] She… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
dish antenna — Dish Dish (d[i^]sh), n. [AS. disc, L. discus dish, disc, quoit, fr. Gr. di skos quoit, fr. dikei^n to throw. Cf. {Dais}, {Desk}, {Disc}, {Discus}.] 1. A vessel, as a platter, a plate, a bowl, used for serving up food at the table. [1913 Webster]… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
dish — /dish/, n. 1. an open, relatively shallow container of pottery, glass, metal, wood, etc., used for various purposes, esp. for holding or serving food. 2. any container used at table: dirty dishes. 3. the food served or contained in a dish: The… … Universalium
Dish — Dish, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Dished}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Dishing}.] 1. To put in a dish, ready for the table. [1913 Webster] 2. To make concave, or depress in the middle, like a dish; as, to dish a wheel by inclining the spokes. [1913 Webster] 3. To… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
dish — [1] A depression in the top of a piston. [2] Offsetting of the hub on a rear wheel on a derailleur bike to make room for the freewheel and still allow the wheel to be centered within the frame. Also see negative wheel dish offset dish … Dictionary of automotive terms
dish — /dɪʃ / (say dish) noun 1. an open, more or less shallow container of pottery, glass, metal, wood, etc., used for various purposes, especially for holding or serving food. 2. that which is served or contained in a dish. 3. a particular article or… …
dish — [[t]dɪʃ[/t]] n. 1) cer an open, relatively shallow container of pottery, glass, etc., used esp. for holding or serving food 2) any container used at table 3) the food contained in a dish 4) coo a particular article or preparation of food: an easy … From formal English to slang
wheel — A circular device, thin in relation to its face area, usually able to rotate about a central axle or pivot, with a durable but elastic rim or with regular teeth cut on the rim and for lightness often supported by spokes joined to the hub instead… … Dictionary of automotive terms
dish — noun 1》 a shallow, flat bottomed container for cooking or serving food. ↘(the dishes) all the items used in the preparation, serving, and eating of a meal. ↘a shallow, concave receptacle: a soap dish. ↘(also dish aerial) a bowl shaped … English new terms dictionary
wheel dish — See negative wheel dish … Dictionary of automotive terms
satellite dish — Dish Dish (d[i^]sh), n. [AS. disc, L. discus dish, disc, quoit, fr. Gr. di skos quoit, fr. dikei^n to throw. Cf. {Dais}, {Desk}, {Disc}, {Discus}.] 1. A vessel, as a platter, a plate, a bowl, used for serving up food at the table. [1913 Webster]… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English