braking effort

braking effort
тормозное усилие, усилие торможения

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "braking effort" в других словарях:

  • braking effort — The amount of strength needed by the operator to bring a vehicle to a stop or the amount of resistance in the brake system …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • braking efficiency — braking effort as a percentage of the weight of the vehicle …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • braking ratio — The distribution of braking effort between the front and rear wheels …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • effort — The force which is doing work on an object. Also see braking effort …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • Trail braking — is a motorcycle riding and driving technique where the brakes are used beyond the entrance to a turn and are gradually released up to the point of apex. Usage in motorcycling In applying this technique, motorcycle riders approach turns applying… …   Wikipedia

  • Dynamic braking — Norfolk Southern Unit #5348 with a Dynamic brake. The cooling grill for the brake grid resistors is at the top center of the locomotive. Dynamic braking is the use of the electric traction motors of a railroad vehicle as generators when slowing… …   Wikipedia

  • Cadence braking — is an advanced driving technique used to allow a car to both steer and brake on a slippery surface. In the past it would be used to effect an emergency stop where traction is limited, though for use in an emergency requires a presence of mind… …   Wikipedia

  • all-out braking — A situation where the driver uses the maximum braking effort possible. Although this seems to be the best way to stop a vehicle, in fact it may not because there may be the tendency to swerve or the brakes may overheat and lose effectiveness. It… …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • Engine braking — is where the retarding forces within an engine are used to slow a vehicle down, as opposed to using an external braking mechanism, for example friction brakes or magnetic brakes. The term is often confused with several other types of braking,… …   Wikipedia

  • Tractive effort — (abbr. TE) is the pulling force exerted, normally by a locomotive, though the term could also be used for anything else that pulls a load. It is normally understood to be the actual force on the locomotive s drawbar or rear coupler. When a bare… …   Wikipedia

  • Maximum tractive effort — The maximum tractive effort is the highest force that a vehicle can exert. The term tractive effort is usually used in connection with trains and rail locomotives. Like all forces, tractive effort is measured in newtons.For a locomotive to… …   Wikipedia

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