Эмерсон Вилльям, математик

Эмерсон Вилльям, математик
(Emerson) — английский математик (1701—1782). Его труды: "Fluxions" (1749; 3-е изд., 1768); "The Projection of the Sphere" (1749); "Elements of Trigonometry" (1749; 2-ое изд., 1764); "Principles of Mechanicks" (1758; 5-oe изд., 1825); "The Doctrine of Proportion" (1763); "The Method of Increments" (1763); "Cyclomathesis" (1763; 2-ое изд., 1770); "Treatise on Algebra" (1764); "Navigation" (1764); "The Arithmetic of Infinites" (1767); "Elements of Conic Sections" (1767); "Elements of Optics" (1768); "Perspective" (1768); "The Laws of Centripetal and Centrifugal Force" (1769); "The Art of Surveying or Measuring Land" (1770); "Calculation, Libration, and Mensuration" (1770); "The Doctrine of Combinations, Permutations and Compositions of Quantities" (1770); "The Mathematical Principles of Geography" (1770); "A short Comment on Sir J. Newton's Principia" (1770); "A system of Astronomy" (1770); "Miscellanies" (1776).

Энциклопедический словарь Ф.А. Брокгауза и И.А. Ефрона. — С.-Пб.: Брокгауз-Ефрон. 1890—1907.

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  • Эмерсон Вилльям — (Emerson) английский математик (1701 1782). Его труды: Fluxions (1749; 3 е изд., 1768); The Projection of the Sphere (1749); Elements of Trigonometry (1749; 2 ое изд., 1764); Principles of Mechanicks (1758; 5 oe изд., 1825); The Doctrine of… …   Энциклопедический словарь Ф.А. Брокгауза и И.А. Ефрона

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