Radioactive waste solidification

Radioactive waste solidification
См. Отверждение радиоактивных отходов

Термины атомной энергетики. - Концерн Росэнергоатом, 2010

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Смотреть что такое "Radioactive waste solidification" в других словарях:

  • Radioactive waste — 2007 ISO radioactivity danger logo, designed in part for long term radioactive waste depositories which might survive into a far future time in which all knowledge of the meaning of present common radiation danger symbols and signs has been lost… …   Wikipedia

  • система отверждения радиоактивных отходов — — [А.С.Гольдберг. Англо русский энергетический словарь. 2006 г.] Тематики энергетика в целом EN radioactive waste solidification systemradwaste solidification system …   Справочник технического переводчика

  • Отверждение радиоактивных отходов — Radioactive waste solidification обработка жидких радиоактивных отходов с целью перевода их в сухие твердые вещества и фиксации радионуклидов в твердой фазе. Термины атомной энергетики. Концерн Росэнергоатом, 2010 …   Термины атомной энергетики

  • отверждение радиоактивных отходов — Обработка жидких радиоактивных отходов с целью перевода их в сухие твердые вещества и фиксации радионуклидов в твердой фазе. [] Тематики атомная энергетика в целом EN radioactive waste solidification …   Справочник технического переводчика

  • materials science — the study of the characteristics and uses of various materials, as glass, plastics, and metals. [1960 65] * * * Study of the properties of solid materials and how those properties are determined by the material s composition and structure, both… …   Universalium

  • environmental works — ▪ civil engineering Introduction       infrastructure that provides cities and towns with water supply, waste disposal, and pollution control services. They include extensive networks of reservoirs, pipelines, treatment systems, pumping stations …   Universalium

  • technology, history of — Introduction       the development over time of systematic techniques for making and doing things. The term technology, a combination of the Greek technē, “art, craft,” with logos, “word, speech,” meant in Greece a discourse on the arts, both… …   Universalium

  • List of fictional elements, materials, isotopes and atomic particles — This list contains chemical elements, materials, isotopes or (sub)atomic particle that exist primarily in works of fiction (usually fantasy or science fiction). No actual periodic elements end in ite , though many minerals have names with this… …   Wikipedia

  • Corium (nuclear reactor) — LFCM redirects here. For the airport, see List of airports by ICAO code: L. The Three Mile Island reactor 2 after the meltdown. Corium, also called fuel containing material (FCM) or lava like fuel containing material (LFCM), is a lava like molten …   Wikipedia

  • Sandia National Laboratories — Sandia National Laboratories, which is managed and operated by the Sandia Corporation (a wholly owned subsidiary of Lockheed Martin Corporation), is a major United States Department of Energy research and development national laboratory with two… …   Wikipedia

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