wee ii

  • 61Wee Man — (* 16. Mai 1973 in Pisa, Italien; eigentlich Jason Bryant Acuña) ist Darsteller der MTV Show Jackass. Er hat Achondroplasie …

    Deutsch Wikipedia

  • 62Wee Tian Beng — est un manhuajia né le 12 janvier 1966 à Singapour. Biographie Il a commencé sa carrière en tant qu illustrateur publicitaire. En 1989, il commence à produire des manhua de science fiction comme The New Frontier, Dream Allegory et Escapist Choice …

    Wikipédia en Français

  • 63Wee Willie Winkie — Wee Wil|lie Win|kie a character in a ↑nursery rhyme (=an old song or poem for young children) . The rhyme goes: Wee Willie Winkie runs through the town,/Upstairs and downstairs in his nightgown …

    Dictionary of contemporary English

  • 64wee\ folk — • wee folk • little folk • little people n. phr. Fairy people; brownies; elves; fairies; or goblins. Mother read me a story about the wee folk who lived in the forest and came out at night. There are many stories about little people dancing in… …

    Словарь американских идиом

  • 65wee buns — (Irish) If a task was wee buns, it means it was very easy. It is similar to piece of cake …

    The small dictionary of idiomes

  • 66wee hours — are the first hours after midnight …

    The small dictionary of idiomes

  • 67wee|ver — «WEE vuhr», noun. any one of a group of small, edible marine fishes found along the coasts of Europe, Africa, and Chile, that have eyes directed upward and sharp poisonous spines. ╂[probably < Old North French wivre, Old French guivre… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 68wee|vil — «WEE vuhl», noun. 1. a small beetle that has a long snout and feeds on plants. The larvae of the seed weevil and rice weevil feed inside of and destroy nuts, fruits, and grain; those of the sweet potato weevil live and feed in the stems or roots… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 69Wee Cooper O'Fife — is a well known Scottish folk song about a cooper who beats his wife because she will not cook, clean, and sew. It was recorded by Burl Ives on 11 February 1941 [Naxos: [http://www.naxos.com/mainsite/NaxosCat/Naxos Cat.asp?item code=8.120728… …


  • 70Wee Bee Foolish — are an alternative hip hop group, its members are MCs Ken Boogaloo and Yeshua da Poed, DJ Bless and semi official member producer. All four members hail from Brighton Beach, Brooklyn in New York. All of their releases have been on the Head Bop… …
