wants (noun)

  • 61kicker — noun a) One who takes kicks. John wants to climb the wall, but the kicker is that it is thirty feet tall. b) The kicking strap. Jills hand was two pair, aces and sevens, with a king kicker …


  • 62turboloader — noun A turboload. Who wants to sell a c64 1541 turboloader cartridge to me ???? …


  • 63dead weight — noun a) unremitting heavy weight that does not move She wants to shed the dead weight of so many stacks of old clutter. b) that which is useless or excess; that which slows something down …


  • 64treebank — noun /ˈtɹiː.bæŋk/ A database of sentences which are annotated with syntactic information, often in the form of a tree. If one wants to use a treebank for linguistic investigation …


  • 65disutility — noun /ˌdɪsjuːˈtɪlɪti/ uselessness, a lack of utility Up to a certain point doctors, like carpenters and masons, must earn their living by doing the work that the public wants from them; and as it is not in the nature of things possible that such… …


  • 66wedge issue — noun A discussion point or a difference in points of view which is particularly likely to be controversial and a source of discord between discussants or other involved parties; a difference in viewpoints which causes disharmony within a… …


  • 67school night — noun An evening before a typical school day; normally a Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday night. Jamey has to go to bed at 9:00 on school nights, but on Friday and Saturday he gets to stay up as late as he wants …


  • 68verbal constipation — noun Difficulty in expressing in words what one wants to say, especially if one has much to say …


  • 69sectionalism — noun Promoting the good of one region over that of others. Sectionalism is tearing the country apart. Everyone wants the other regions to do the work and pay the taxes while they reap the benefits …


  • 70flashcard — noun a) A card used to aid rote memorization. One side of the card contains data of one kind, or a question, and the other side contains the associated response which one wants to memorize. For example, one side could contain an English word, and …
