turmoil (noun)

  • 51madhouse — noun, informal 1) his father is shut up in a madhouse Syn: mental hospital, mental institution, psychiatric hospital, asylum; informal nuthouse, funny farm, loony bin; dated lunatic asylum 2) when we arrived, it was a madhouse Syn …

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  • 52madness — noun 1) today madness is called mental illness Syn: insanity, mental illness, dementia, derangement; lunacy, instability; mania, psychosis; informal craziness Ant: sanity 2) it would be madness to do otherwise …

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  • 53maelstrom — noun 1) a maelstrom in the sea Syn: whirlpool, vortex, eddy, swirl; literary Charybdis 2) the maelstrom of war Syn: turbulence, tumult, turmoil, disorder, disarray, chaos, confusion …

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  • 54mayhem — noun no one would confess to how the mayhem started Syn: chaos, disorder, havoc, bedlam, pandemonium, tumult, uproar, turmoil, commotion, all hell broken loose, maelstrom, trouble, disturbance, confusion, riot, anarchy, violence, insanity …

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  • 55pandemonium — noun we heard a bang and then there was complete pandemonium Syn: bedlam, chaos, mayhem, uproar, turmoil, tumult, commotion, confusion, anarchy, furor, hubbub, rumpus; informal hullabaloo, hoopla Ant: peace …

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  • 56symptom — noun 1) the symptoms of the disease Syn: manifestation, indication, indicator, sign, mark, feature, trait; Medicine prodrome 2) a symptom of the country s present turmoil Syn: expression, sign, indication, ma …

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  • 57tumult — noun 1) she added her voice to the tumult Syn: clamor, din, noise, racket, uproar, hue and cry, commotion, ruckus, maelstrom, rumpus, hubbub, pandemonium, babel, bedlam, brouhaha, furor, fracas …

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  • 58unrest — noun social unrest Syn: disruption, disturbance, trouble, turmoil, turbulence, disorder, chaos, anarchy; discord, disquiet, dissension, dissent, strife, protest, rebellion, uprising, rioting Ant …

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  • 59upheaval — noun the upheaval caused by wartime evacuation Syn: disruption, disturbance, trouble, turbulence, disorder, confusion, turmoil, pandemonium, chaos, mayhem, cataclysm, shakeup, debacle; revolution, change, craziness …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 60uproar — noun 1) the uproar in the kitchen continued for some time Syn: turmoil, disorder, confusion, chaos, commotion, disturbance, rumpus, ruckus, tumult, turbulence, mayhem, pandemonium, bedlam, noise, din, clamor, hubbub …

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